100th Hshare HSR Miner

100th Hshare HSR Miner

To Convert Hshare (HSR) to any other cryptocurrency or fiat currency. Current market cap of HSR is 459,569,661.00 USD and the trading volume for last 24 hours is 69,755,800.00 USD. Total supply of Hshare is capped at 42,582,712 and currently 42,582,712 Hshares (HSR) are in circulation. Currently, 1 HSR is worth 0.0012578 BTC and 10.7924 USD. The price of Hshare has increased by 0.96% in the last 1 hour, decreased by -10.76% in the last 24 hours and has decreased by -35.15%. In last 7 days.

You can use the Hshare converter to convert HSR to any of the 500+ crypto and fiat currencies.

Hshare (hsr)

To Convert Hshare (HSR) to any other cryptocurrency or fiat currency. Current market cap of HSR is 459,569,661.00 USD and the trading volume for last 24 hours is 69,755,800.00 USD.

Total supply of Hshare is capped at 42,582,712 and currently 42,582,712 Hshares (HSR) are in circulation. Currently, 1 HSR is worth 0.0012578 BTC and 10.7924 USD. The price of Hshare has increased by 0.96% in the last 1 hour, decreased by -10.76% in the last 24 hours and has decreased by -35.15%. In last 7 days.

You can use the Hshare converter to convert HSR to any of the 500+ crypto and fiat currencies.

DES MOINES, IA ()(readMedia)-- The giant pumpkin grown by Dan Carlson and Marc Peterson of Clinton tipped the scales at 1,295 pounds to claim the top spot and a $1,300 prize in the Big Pumpkin Contest judged Friday at the 2011 Iowa State Fair. Steve Krug of Amana took second place and $750 with a. Bitcoin Gold BTG Mining Tools. The two new algorithms introduced are HSR used by Hshare/Hcash (x13 + custom hash) as well as the Phi used by LuxCoin, there are improvements for the SIB algorithm for Maxwell and Pascal cards. The new version comes with a small fix to handle more than 9 cards on Linux (-d 10+), an attempt to free Equihash memory “properly” and –submit-stale parameter for the supernova pool (which changes difficulty too fast). Posts Tagged ‘Hshare Nvidia miner. The two new algorithms introduced are HSR used by Hshare/Hcash (x13 + custom hash) as well as the Phi used by LuxCoin. Convert Hshare (HSR) to any other cryptocurrency or fiat currency. Current market cap of HSR is 718,263,141.00 USD and the trading volume for last 24 hours is.