Dogecoin DOGE Mining Machine

Dogecoin DOGE Mining Machine

Yes it is but it is coded as a branch of the Litecoin family of digital cryptographic currency, it improves upon Bitcoin. The Coinpursuit site explains in more detail: SHA-256 and Scrypt are the two most common algorithm systems used by cryptocurrency miners in order to authenticate blocks of transaction data. The system used, unfortunately, is not up to the miners; it's set by the developers of a given type of currency. When you go to cryptocurrency discussion boards and forums, you'll find there's a vigorous debate between the two algorithms. We'll look at the two types, and the arguments being made for and against them. Before jumping into that, however, let's talk hash in a little more detail. The term refers to complex mathematical computations that are required in order for successful mining to take place, and you'll often see 'hash rates' listed along with hardware created for digital currency mining.

The higher the hash rate required for successful mining, the longer and more difficult the process will be for miners; this is expressed as the 'hash difficulty' of a given type of currency. The most efficient way to buy Dogecoin is on a Dogecoin market, similar to a stock market. You can watch the current buy and sell orders as time goes on and study the charts. More information about markets can be found further on in this guide. Examples of Dogecoin markets include: • Cryptsy ( ) • Kraken ( ) • BTER ( ) A more convenient way to buy Dogecoin is to use a debit or credit card, or an online service such as Paypal or Google Wallet. If you use one of these methods, the price will be marked up a bit from the market price, but the convenience is often worth it. Be smart, and only work with reputable sellers!

Dogecoin DOGE Mining Machine

What's with Dogecoin and the dog? 'Doge' is our. You can also get Dogecoin by 'mining' it. Mining is when you use your computer to process Dogecoin transactions.

Examples of sites to buy Dogecoin with credit/debit/online wallets: • WeSellDoges ( ) • LocalDogecoin ( ) • The Dogecoin market subreddit ( ) NOTE: For some of the sites listed on this page, you may have to verify your identity first for legal purposes, so make sure you follow all of the site's rules and regulations. How do I store my Dogecoins safely? Offline wallets are by far the safest way to keep your currency. With digital currency, no one controls your money except yourself. Download the official software and store your Dogecoin safely and securely. After downloading the wallet of your choice, make sure you back up your files on a USB drive or external hard drive. After you back it up, never delete the wallet.dat file!

The Dogecoin official wallet is available in two formats: Core, and Lite. The only difference between the two is that the core wallet downloads the entire record of all transactions made between Dogecoin wallets, and the lite wallet only downloads the most recent part of the record.

Visit for directions to download. Platforms available to host a wallet: • Windows • Macintosh • Linux • Android • iOS You can also store your coin in online wallets for ease and quick access. It is an option, and sometimes a trusted option, but you no longer hold the safety of your coins in your own hands. Be as safe as you can! NOTE: Make sure that you are using the most recent version of the Dogecoin wallet software. You can find announcements of new versions at

Why use Doge? 'Doge' is our fun, friendly mascot! The is a Japanese breed of dog that was popularized as an online meme and represents Dogecoin. Learn more about Doge Doge is a slang term for 'dog' that is primarily associated with pictures of Shiba Inus (nicknamed 'Shibe') and internal monologue captions on Tumblr.

These photos may be photoshopped to change the dog's face or captioned with interior monologues in Comic Sans font. Origin The use of the misspelled word 'doge' to refer to a dog dates back to June 24th, 2005, when it was mentioned in an episode of Homestar Runner's puppet show. In the episode titled 'Biz Cas Fri 1'[2], Homestar calls Strong Bad his 'd-o-g-e' while trying to distract him from his work. Identity On February 23rd, 2010, Japanese kindergarten teacher Atsuko Sato posted several photos of her rescue-adopted Shiba Inu dog Kabosu to her personal blog.[38] Among the photos included a peculiar shot of Kabosu sitting on a couch while glaring sideways at the camera with raised eyebrows (shown below, right). In December 2013, shortly after the breakout of 'Doge,' the tech news site The Verge[39] published an article identifying Sato's Kabosu as the original Shiba Inu depicted in the meme.

In addition to Kabosu, The Verge also identified 'Suki,' a Shiba Inu who lives with San Francisco-based photographer Jonathan Fleming, as the scarfed dog portrayed in another popular instance of the meme. In December 2012, the term 'doge' appeared on Reddit in a post submitted to /r/DogsIWannaHug.[6] The same month, an interior monologue captioned photo of a Schnauzer was submitted to Cheezburger[5] with the title 'Schnauze.' On January 8th, 2013, the subreddit /r/Doge[7] was created, sharing photos and videos of the captioned Shiba Inus. In May, /r/dailydoge[9] was created to share one dog photo a day, captioned or not. Another single topic blog, shibe-doge[12], launched in July 2013 dedicated to sharing Shiba Inu photos.

On July 29th, 2013, a doge thread[19] was sticky-featured to the top of the 4chan board /s4s/ (Shit 4chan Says), garnering more than 600 replies. On November 20, 2013, Youtube implemented an Easter egg, that changes the text to be colored and in Comic Sans, much like the original internal-monologue style captions, when user searches the phrase 'doge meme'. Which places accept Dogecoin? Plenty of places accept Dogecoin as payment. If you find one that doesn't, check out eGifter to buy an in-store gift card with Dogecoin!

Sending Dogecoin is incredibly easy. That's one of the largest benefits of digital currency. It costs a fraction of a cent and sends in minutes.

Every Dogecoin wallet contains one or more 'addresses.' An address is simply a code that can be used to indicate where Dogecoin is to be sent. An address is represented as a long string of characters beginning with the letter D. The letter D is included in the address. The Dogecoin blockchain, or 'Dogechain,' is a public record of all transactions made between Dogecoin wallets. Explore the Dogecoin blockchain at When receiving Dogecoin, all the user has to do is provide his or her public address.

Other users can then send money to the address and the blockchain will confirm the transaction. There are two simple ways to send Dogecoin from one wallet to another: Option One • Copy and paste the desired receiving address in your wallet's 'send' menu. • Type in the desired amount of Dogecoins to send. • Complete the transaction by sending the Dogecoins. Option Two • Scan a QR code representing the desired receiving address using your smartphone's wallet.

• Type in the desired amount of Dogecoins to send. • Complete the transaction by sending the Dogecoins. How can I tip Dogecoins? To send and receive Dogecoin via Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit, you need to make an account with each 'tip bot.'

This account will keep track of your coins, and send them to another user if desired. Reddit (/u/dogetipbot) To begin: • Send /u/dogetipbot a private message • Type +register and send. Or to accept a tip for the first time: • Send /u/dogetipbot a private message • Type +accept and send.

Visit for questions. Twitter (@tipdoge) To begin: • Go to • Log in with your Twitter account Facebook (Doge Tip App) To begin: • Search 'The Dogecoin Tipping App' on Facebook • Connect with Facebook Facebook tips will fail and will not be logged under the following circumstances: • You've specified in your settings that you don't want to be tagged by others. • You're tipping Dogecoins to someone who has specified that he/she does not want to be tagged. What is the value of Dogecoin? When learning about Dogecoin, it is important to keep in mind that Dogecoin has a real-world value. It's not just some sort of arbitrary points system; Dogecoin can be bought and sold for your country's currency or better yet, exchanged for goods and services!

There are two main ways in which Dogecoin's value is communicated: Relative to Bitcoin, and relative to fiat money (a government-backed currency such as USD). Relative to Bitcoin Giving Dogecoin a value in terms of Bitcoin is the most popular method of talking about price changes and such. Bitcoin is chosen because it is currently the most successful digital currency both in value and acceptance. Because one Dogecoin has such a small value compared to one Bitcoin, the value is expressed in terms of 'Satoshi,' which is defined as 0.00000001 Bitcoin.

Relative to fiat money Talking about Dogecoin's value in terms of the U.S. Dollar or another fiat currency eliminates the problem that arises when when, for example, Bitcoins value goes up.

This causes the value of Dogecoin to appear to go down when in fact it may be staying constant relative to fiat money. In addition to the value of one Dogecoin, the value of the currency as a whole can be shown by its market capitalization, which shows the total value of all the currency in circulation. This can be used to show how much was lost or gained by investors in total following a price fluctuation.

Why does the price of Dogecoin fluctuate? As do all other buyable and sellable goods, Dogecoin has a price that fluctuates based on the supply and demand of the coin. These fluctuations make it possible to treat Dogecoin as an investment for future gain. Understanding Supply Supply is the amount of a good that producers are willing and able to sell across different prices. Understanding Demand Demand is the amount of a good that consumers are willing and able to buy across different prices.

Influences on Supply: Number of suppliers, expectations of future profit, technology, price of other goods, and intervention from the government Influences on Demand: Number of consumers, expectations of future price changes, tastes and preferences, price of other goods, and consumer income Relating economic principles to Dogecoin Dogecoin follows the same principles as do other goods and services. It has suppliers (those whosell Dogecoin) and consumers (those who buy it). Changes in the supply and demand of Dogecoin affect the trade volume of Dogecoin and the price at which Dogecoin is traded. Let's take a look at a few examples: • A new cryptocoin is created that is known to be very profitable.

Crypto sellers decide to stop selling Dogecoin in favor of the other cryptocoin, decreasing the supply of Dogecoin. As a result, the price of Dogecoin increases, but the trade volume drops. • A charity drive from the Dogecoin subreddit makes it onto national news and encourages people to start buying cryptocoins, including Dogecoin. The number of consumers increases dramatically, increasing the demand for Dogecoin. As a result, both the price and trade volume of Dogecoin increase.

• Someone makes national news by being the first ever person to become a millionaire through sales of Dogecoin. Other suppliers take note and decide to start selling more Dogecoin as well, increasing the supply of Dogecoin. As a result, the trade volume of Dogecoin increases, but the price drops. • It is revealed on national news that Dogecoin is used in black market sales of illegal drugs. People's tastes in cryptocoins shift away from Dogecoin, decreasing demand. As a result, both the price and trade volume of Dogecoin drop.

What if I have more questions about Dogecoin? TERMS OF SERVICE Please abide by the following simple rules when using this website: • Please do not use bots. • Please be civil when contacting us and refrain from using strong language. • Please do not try to abuse the free giveaway by creating multiple accounts and collecting the free prize more than once every hour using proxies or similar IP address changing applications/services.

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Facebook Twitter Reddit Repository, About Dogecoin DogeCoin (DOG) is another Litcoin-derived open source peer-to-peer cryptocurrency that uses the ‘Shiba Inu’ dog character from the ‘Dodge’ Internet meme as its mascot. Created by programmer and former IBM engineer Billy Markus and his friend Jackson Palmer, the idea of DogeCoin (DOG) was turned into reality in the hopes of ‘reaching a broader demographic’ than Bitcoins and generate something that wouldn’t be involved with any controversial history unlike the latter. To begin, you must first acquire a DogeCoin Wallet. You can download the free wallet at DodgeCoin website. After successfully installing the wallet client in your computer, you can definitely start getting some DogeCoin to make the most out of it. There are three main ways available to make this possible: Exchange The easiest and most convenient way to get this digital currency is through DogeCoin Exchange. There are three exchange markets that offer DOG trading: Cryptsy, Coined Up, and Coins-e.

These trading platforms allow you to trade this digital coin in DogeCoin Bitcoin or DogeCoin Litecoin. DogeCoin Price / Value is lower compared to other virtual currency; however, this hasn’t been a deterrent for exchange since clients are trading items in exchange for DogeCoin on some major online communities like Reddit.

Mining DogeCoin (DOG) uses scrypt technology in its proof-of-work algorithm, which makes DogeCoin (DOG) Mining interesting. This means that miners cannot take advantage of specialized mining equipment to mine coins at higher speeds. However, there’s nothing to worry about since DogeCoin can be mined using a run-of-the-mill PC, which contrast bitcoin mining that requires industrial strength computing power. Furthermore, miners can be optimistic as for every block mined, 500,000 coins will be given as a reward in the block time of only 60 seconds.

DogeCoin network will produce 1 billion coins making this digital currency more attractive. More than that, DogeCoin Calculator will give you a hand in making your mining experience more convenient and easier. This will aid you compute your potential profit based on statistical calculation.

Just take note that your estimated expected earnings will be affected by several factors like DogeCoin Difficulty which adjusts every 240 blocks, the current exchange rate, and DogeCoin Mining pool. The latter allows you to join groups of DogeCoin miners to earn more DogeCoins.

Build A Dash DASH Miner Asic more. Faucet Lastly, if you want to get some free DogeCoin (DOG) but you don’t want to experience the challenges of mining, DogeCoin Faucet is the certain solution. There are numerous faucets online that gives free DogeCoin.

These faucets give certain amount of free Dogecoin at a specific period of time. Though the amount provided is relatively small, it is a good feature to have your free supply of DogeCoins. Google Trends.