How HTMLCOIN HTML Mining Works

How HTMLCOIN HTML Mining Works

What is this HTMLCOIN you may ask and what does it have to do with Hypertext Markup Language? To put it in a very uninteresting way, kind of like the first time I ever read about it, it’s a fork off of Bitcoin from back in 2014, it has never moved much on the exchanges (until 2017), has been through some rough times (a 51% attack), it’s got a huge coin supply and it’s got nothing to do with HTML as in Hypertext Markup Language so, all in all, it sounds like a scam, right? So then why the interest?

Well, after its in April 2017 a new development team and community started to emerge and Html5Coin became something entirely different:. Yeah, I know it sounds the same, but it’s like comparing oranges to an orange galaxy. The new HTMLCOIN is not only a cryptocurrency, but an entire cryptoverse in which crypto-clusters can give birth to crypto-galaxies, which in turn create crypto-stars and crypto-planets with many crypto-oranges on them with all the necessary tidbits for it to function properly. On the technical side of things HTMLCOIN is the first 100% open source dual-hybrid blockchain - a platform that allows smart contracts to run on a Bitcoin blockchain. It offers the sturdiness and security of Bitcoin with the functionality of Ethereum and much more. It encompasses the best of both worlds and makes it even better via added security (Real Time Checkpointing), functionality (Simple Payment Verification) and speed (60 seconds blocktime). HTMLCOIN is also hybrid in terms of its consensus algorithm: PoW (proof of work) and PoS (proof of stake).

Ok, so, how do you know this is not a scam? Glad you asked.

This works fine. The htmlcoins will appear next time you start your wallet application. HTMLCOIN are not actually received by the software on your computer, they are.

As I was saying, starting with early summer 2017 a new community emerged around Htmlcoin. I don’t know why, I only know my own story, which I’ll be glad to share if there’s enough interest for it.

Htmlcoin Faucet

The entity behind this coin is a foundation based in Chicago, USA and represented. The community that emerged around HTMLCOIN is fast growing, very passionate and helpful and so is the. So passionate that they’re actually volunteers. People with full time jobs who work for HTMLCOIN out of pure passion. And don’t think that because they’re volunteering they’re just nobodies trying to make a name for themselves.

They are established individuals with many years of high level experience who don’t need a second job, but make the time for it because they believe HTMLCOIN will change the world. And we the HTMLCOIN community strongly believe it as well! Alright, but how do you KNOW it’s not a scam?

Simple: it’s and never was. HTMLCOIN started with no premine from the lowest possible price and it only grew in value as the community grew and gave it value when seeing that what was promised is being delivered or on track following the roadmap. Yes, HTMLCOIN is already active. You can download an for your laptop (and mobile device soon) and start mining yourself directly from the wallet (CPU mining). HTMLCOIN is also Proof Of Stake, which means that if you deposit your HTMLCOIN in your wallet you will get rewarded with more HTMLCOIN (aprox. 1% per year) - and it works right now.

Transactions are extremely fast and smart contract functionality is built right into the wallet itself. In essence HTMLCOIN takes the best of what is presently available and thoroughly tested in blockchain tech, improves on many aspects and makes it all available to everyone in true 100% open source fashion. Now in this light I’m beginning to see the dots connecting and the HTML name starts to make sense. As HTML is “standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications”, HTMLCOIN could become the standard platform for Decentralized Applications and distributed computing. Still, I believe HTMLCOIN could greatly benefit from rebranding (just as Antshares >NEO did) and from what I read on, and at least part of the community believes the same. But first, HTMLCOIN needs to build some roots and gather momentum by getting listed on as many exchanges as possible and then the extended community may contribute in finding the best approach for rebranding.

Since I mentioned the community, I must say I’ve never seen one as involved and passionate as the HTMLCOIN community. The devs are active as much as possible, juggling between their day jobs, HTMLCOIN development, community interaction and family life (who needs sleep, right?). When the devs are not present the rest of the community takes over in answering any questions other community members may have.

And this is how newcomers, some of whom initially put HTMLCOIN down and call it a scam, become very supportive and involved community members bringing in their friends into this great, truly world-wide family. But, if this was all, it would not be enough to “take over the world”. You would also need to create and provide the tools for mass adoption. Well, check that! HTMLCOIN has already thought of it and mass adoption is part of their roadmap, through.

All of this convinced that HTMLCOIN is the best of the Top 5 coins for 2018, while and picked up on it and shared with their readers. The buzz got HTMLCOIN noticed and in one swift move the price jumped from around 10 Satoshi to 38 Satoshi with a volume of almost 1000 BTC on Bleutrade, on January 6th, 2018. Since then the price has corrected, but upon a with Titanium’s CEO, HTML made another attempt at the previous high and for the past few days (as of Jan 26th) it seems to be accumulating between 24 and 26 Satoshi. However, as soon as it will be listed on a bigger exchange and more people get access to it, the price should rise significantly. The HTMLCOIN team is in talks with many exchanges and the community is doing a stellar job promoting their favorite coin on exchanges that want to gauge community involvement when adding new coins.

Such an example is the last voting round on the where HTML was able to beat TRON in terms of votes and get the second place with over 8k votes compared to TRON’s less than 6k votes. HTML’s second place position would probably not have been possible without active help from (TBIS), proving that crypto communities can partner just as their devs can. Since TBIS is testing HTMLCOIN for use as its base platform, TBIS holders have an active interest in promoting HTML as well. And I believe the same will apply for every single project launched on or migrated to HTMLCOIN - migration of an entire Ethereum project to HTMLCOIN can take as little as a couple of hours and the benefits are striking.

As you can see, there is a lot more to HTMLCOIN then a simple nerd name and evermore people are starting to notice it. I am certain that you will see and hear a lot more about HTML in 2018 and beyond and I warmly invite you to join us and become a Htmlcoiner.

Join the HTMLCOIN community on: Keep up with the news and prices on and Edit: community members suggested I create a donations address. All that is collected in this address along with any funds generated by this article will be used towards HTMLCOIN community voted projects. If you want to contribute here is the address to send HTMLCOIN to: Ht5UVq2YKrGstZhkFRdXURLMuKawrTEFo1 If you want to see the balance of this address (everything that is received on and spent from it) access and paste the address displayed above then click the green Search button. First you need to let the wallet synchronize with the blockchain. Forum Bitcoin Cash BCH Mining. On first start that will take up to 15-20 minutes probably. After that encrypt it with a long password (you find this under Settings menu).

After that you restart and go to the Help menu and open the Debug window. In it go to the Console tab and in the text field at the bottom write: generate 199 then hit enter. Now you're mining. If you press arrow up, you'll the above text appear again; hit enter again. Repeat this process for about 50 times and then just let it do it's thing and only get back from time to time to do the arrow up + enter thing again.

In this video I cover installing, encrypting and backing up your HTMLCoin wallet, as well as restoring your wallet, finding your receiving address and sending HTML to other wallets. HTMLCoin GitHub: DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor! Please do your own research before choosing an investment! Read the white paper, check out the team and research other cryptocurrencies before deciding on one! Please visit us on: Twitter: @onetwocrypto Facebook: @onetwocrypto If you are interested in purchasing HTMLCoin, please use my referral link: If you would like to donate, see below: BTC: 1JFiagpAxp72YQ43JU9kX2jq3ZNsrdQnzN ETH: 0x8B5f39d0996B5a5186A369367d8a5359ca10AE86 HTML: HeHetAY8pmJcSBPhX8eJLkuzkN1oS8Nz2R.