How Much Money Do Metaverse ETP ETP Miners Make

How Much Money Do Metaverse ETP ETP Miners Make

Hello world, today I would like to share with you a little thing I solve today on. I consider the as interesting project for digitalization of the world, I found some articles even in here on steemit about that project, so I will not repeat what was said many times, but would like to show, how to get some interest with Metaverse. Metaverse allows you to get 'extra money' when you deposit your money, which means you will lock your funds, they will be frozen, that you will not be able to use them for certain amount of a time. It has very friendly html user interface, but there were some problems, if you wanted to deposit your coins. In that case, it is necessary to use console and command line, but how to do it? Do not worry, it is simple.

First of all, you need to be logged into your account and have some funds in your wallet. You can see there your Balance, which shows coins you can use or Frozen balance which was deposited before (initially 0). When you will log in, than click on the Advanced option in the menu as shown on the following picture You will see console, you can type there every supported commands to communicate with the wallet. It is like control wallet from the command line. If you will type command: help it will show you all available commands.

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We will need only command deposit. If you would like o get more familiar with that command, just type deposit -h which will give you detailed description how to use that as you can see here I guess it is quite self-explaining. So, simple example of the command might look like where we set number of days, how long should be coins deposited (here for 365 days), and than type our login, password and the amount which should be deposited. Be careful about the amount, it is taken in Satoshi units, so if you would like to deposit 1 ETP, you need to multiply the amount by the value of 100,000,000. So, in the example above we tries to deposit 1 ETP for 1 year. You can check, if your deposit was successful on the first page, where you should see Frozen coins. And just a final note.

Rate of the interest is different for different deposit intervals, so you can choose how long you would like to have locked coins and how long and how much you would let them earn you some interest for that. You can find that rate table on the page called Deposit, as shown above. Unfortunately some people had problems to make a Deposit using this interface, luckily we can use described workaround with console, at least till the update. ZClassic ZCL Mining Chips.