Peercoin PPC Mining Contract Review

Peercoin PPC Mining Contract Review

Monero XMR Mining Group. Peercoin is here. Through an innovative minting algorithm, the Peercoin network consumes far less energy, maintains stronger security, and rewards users in more sustainable ways than other cryptocurrencies. Peercoin’s original innovation is the proof-of-stake/proof-of-work hybrid system. Like other cryptocurrencies, initial coins can be mined, but the core network is maintained by coin holders, rather than the fastest pool. Maintaining the network through the hybrid proof-of-work/proof-of-stake algorithm reduces the risk of the Selfish-Miner Flaw, 51% attacks, and the block bloating that have been used to exploit other currencies. Official Website: – Block Explorer / Crawler: – Specifications: • SHA-256 Algorithm • 20.5 million total coins • POW / POS • Re-target every block Downloads: – – – – Source Code: – Ports: • RPC Port: 9902 PPC Pools: – – – – – PPC Exchanges: – – – – – Other Similar Publications: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. Copyright ©2014-2018 - - All About BTC, LTC, ETH mining as well as other alternative crypto currencies.

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Peercoin Worth

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Also that's where the most recent versions will be found. Disclaimer Naturally everything written here should be taken with great scepticism. Show due diligence and fact-check everything stated. Introduction I first read the Peercoin back in 2013, and bought my first Peercoins in 2014, and I have been holding them since then.

Now recently I have started buying more Peercoins again after taking a closer look at the project. Before I give my reasons for why I ended up buying PPC, I'd like to shortly mention why I didn't buy as much of other hyped projects like Etherum. Fair distribution, ICO One of the first dealbreakers I look for when evaluating if a coin has potential, is to see if it has been premined or instamined like and. Premining, instamining and such are a dealbreaker to me not only from a moreal perspective, but also from a pragmatic perspective.

From my experience, projects that start out with an unfair distribution tend to either end up with the developers running away with peoples money and dumping the project, or just it just dies a slow and natural death. But premining also tends to create unfavorable incentives towards pumping the coind, rather than the developers spend their time adding valuable code to the project and then get rewarded through donations for their work. There are several projects out there with fair distributions, and I'm convinced that is one of them. Novelty and purpose My primary reason for buying and holding altcoins is that I believe they are coming up with new innovations that holds potential value.

Back when I bought my first Litecoins it was because I thought it had potential being used more for daily transactions than Bitcoin. Although the price hasn't been what I had hoped, in recent times I have found myself using Litecoin more and more for transferring value between exchanges. When I bought my first Peercoins it was because I thought the idea of its protocol had potential. I didn't understand the ramifications for POS very well back then, but since the coin hadn't been hacked like the DAO, or dumped, I thought it wise to buy a small sum and add it to my portfolio like I'd learned from reading. Bitcoins transaction fee-war aka clusterfuck 2017 Due to the turmoil going on with Bitcoin I started looking into altcoins again in 2017 for rebalancing my portfolio. Currently the two biggest besides BTC are for Decentralized Applications and smart-contracts (Etherum) and privacy (DASH/Monero). For privacy I'm pretty clear on which altcoin I believe in.

But I couldn't get myself to believe entirely in Etherum using a scripting language for making smart contracts. While going through the largest altcoins for smart contracts and DAPPS I fell across the which left me with a positive impression. This lead me to start re-evaluating Peercoin again and convincing me that its prize is currently strongly undervalued. Thoughts on Peercoin Coin supply and inflation The first realization about Peercoin that made me value its price higher than the market was when I understood that although PPC is set to have a theoretical 1% annual inflation rate, it will most likely be much lower. And with PPC transaction fees of 0.01 PPC/kB being used burned, the total supply of Peercoin could actually become lower than BTC should it gain enough traction. Increased popularity and thus higher number of transactions would lead to a decrease in the of PPC. In PoW coins, transaction fees are used for paying the miners and rewarding them in each block.

Can I ZCoin XZC Mine With A Laptop there. Peercoin supply comes from both minting (PoS) and mining (PoW). Currently the total supply of Peercoin is at around 23,928,884 Peercoins. The supply of new Peercoins comes from Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake at roughly 2.5% and 1% of total current supply per block.

Combined with 0.01 PPC/kb being destroyed for each transaction we can estimate the future supply of PPC as: ``` Current supply * ([1% PoS inflation] + [2.5% PoW inflation]) - transaction fees destroyed = next years supply 24M + 0.01 24M + 0.02524M - fees_destroyed = Supply after a year ``` The 2.5% PoW Block Reward is Inversely Proportional to the PoW Difficulty. As Difficulty goes up, reward goes down. With everything going on in BTC I believe more miners are going to turn their ASICS towards PPC.

This will only further decrease the coin supply, and if enough transactions are made, even decrease the total current supply of PPC. Network decentralization Originally I fell in love with Peercoin because I felt guilty over the incredible amount of energy the Bitcoin miners spent on securing the network, and PPC had the potential to be a greener alternative. But lately I have come to value the economic incentives that PoS minting gives. Despite the value of PPC dropping drastically for several years, and interest among users plummeting to a record low, the network stayed strong and very decentralized.

This is likely due to the fact that turning your wallet on, acting as a full node earns you more Peercoins. And in return, you secure the network.

As we have seen with the other cryptocurrencies, centralizing network security in China can lead to a project getting torn apart by conflicting interests between users and miners. PeerAssets TODO * Decentralization of network and PoS incentives * Developer activity and new projects coming up • • • • •.