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Supercomputer Emercoin EMC Mining

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February 8, 2016 – Several lines found on Steam’s translation servers indicate Valve will be implementing bitcoin payment in their game DRM platform in future versions. They’ll be using the Bitpay API for handling in-store transactions. For privacy and security-minded gamers, as well as those in countries that suffer from region-locking and unfavorable pricing practices, this is a huge value-add.

Also Read: Alibaba to Possibly use Blockchain for Alipay Service Valve Lays Groundwork for Bitcoin Transactions Valve is known for their comparatively open and accessible corporate practices — the core design statement of their industry-leading DRM and sales platform is to make buying games easier than piracy. They’ve always been forward thinking regarding developing their services, bringing real gaming support and development to the Linux ecosystem in an industry where open development was considered a pipe dream (pun most certainly intended.) It comes as no surprise that they’re bringing bitcoin to the gaming mass market before other mainstream DRM platforms are considering it as an option. There are bitcoin game-payment solutions out there, like Green Man, but having inline support for digital currencies is a huge step for bitcoin’s entry into mainstream use. Bitcoin in Steam means more than just better chances of adoption, which is significant in itself for a currency that was primarily used for illegal transactions and duty-free alpaca socks in its earliest stages of adoption. People in emerging markets will find themselves able to access Steam as an option for gaming, where they previously were limited by a lack of payment provider support and region locking due to fraud risk. For those Gamers using Bitcoin already, it means a more secure way to pay for your games, without having to store your personal info remotely, something Valve has interst has vocally supported in years past.

Here’s the full readouts from the Steam translation servers: bitcoin_authorization_explanation Bitcoin transactions are authorized through the BitPay website. Click the button below to open a new web browser to initiate the transaction.bitcoin_payment_tips_header Tips for Bitcoin customersbitcoin_payment_tips_text This process can take up to 60 seconds. To avoid purchasing failures, please do not hit your back button or close the bitpay window before the process is complete.checkout_payment_method_specific_note_bitcoin Note: Any approved refunds for purchases made with Bitcoin can only be credited to your Steam Walletcheckout_receipt_pending_bitcoin_long Your purchase is currently in progress and is waiting for confirmation of Bitcoin delivery from BitPay. This process can take several minutes to a few days for confirmation. Valve will send an email receipt to you when payment is received for this purchase. During this time you may continue shopping for other games, though you will not be able to re-purchase any products that are pending in this transaction.checkout_receipt_pending_bitcoin_text For questions regarding your payment processing status, please contact BitPay [ Bitcoin Lends itself to Digital Goods Sales The move makes a lot of sense from a business standpoint for Valve, too.

Low overhead and accessibility reign supreme in mass distribution, so the features associated with Bitcoin payment tie in uniquely with their infrastructure, where the cost of physical shipping is eliminated, putting a larger percentage of overhead on the handling of monetary transactions. Bitpay has much lower fees associated with it than traditional credit card payment processors, and chargeback fraud and user information leaks are a lot less likely if their users adopt Bitcoin. It would not be surprising to see valve incentivise this new service once it’s ready for the release version of the client.

Oct 14, 2017 - Hash Each Transaction Source: Original. 2013 Active Emercoin EMC EvgenijM86 SHA-256 POW & POS Trusted storage for any small data: acts as an alternative, decentralized DNS, PKI store, SSL. See the latest news, updates and events for Elastic (XEL) at Crypto Reader. Emercoin EMC; Ethereum ETH; Ethereum. Supercomputer Mining. Apr 16, 2014 - Focused on End-Users, with decoded info; Fast queries, Live updates, All the data; Rich addresses lists & exhaustive rankings; Wealth distribution chart; Exchange wallet detection and ranking; Mining & Extraction stats (for PoS too!) Price tickers & market cap; SSL encryption (https); Network health statistics.

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The most recent metric for the number of active Steam users is 125 million. It is currently the largest gaming platform in the world, with more than three times as many users as there are current-gen console owners.

If bitcoin garners widespread adoption in this community, other DRM platforms are likely to follow suit, getting Bitcoin one step closer to a cash-like level of acceptance. What do you think of Valve’s practices and acceptance of bitcoin? Make sure to let us know in the comments! Images courtesy of Bitpay, Valve inc.The post Valve is Bringing Bitcoin to Over 125 Million Steam Users Worldwide appeared first on This article is an op-ed by Andrew DeSantis and the views expressed are those of the author.

On January 9th, 2007 the world as we know know it was forever changed. Apple Computer CEO Steve Jobs, took the stage at the Moscone Center in San Francisco and introduced the world to the iPhone. Nine years later, many have trouble remembering what life was like before the rise of mobile. The is more than one million times smaller, one million times more affordable and one thousand times more powerful than a $60 million supercomputer was 40 years ago. As a result of successive radical innovation, we have truly changed the world, but more importantly the world has forever changed us.

In 1998, when asked what keeps him up at night, Bill Gates had a surprising answer. As the CEO of Microsoft, one might have expected him to say Apple, Oracle, or even Netscape. Instead he stated: “I worry about someone in a garage inventing something that I haven’t thought of.” Unbeknownst to Gates, at that very moment Larry Page and Sergey Brin were hard at work in a garage in Menlo Park.

The fruit of their labor would go on to become Google. Gates, like many of us, has accepted that change, particularly technological change, is one of the few constants in life and even the smartest among us can be caught be caught by surprise. On January 3rd, 2009, less than two years after Jobs unveiled the iPhone, Satoshi Nakamoto sent an email to the renowned “Cryptography Mailing List” titled “.” The email contained a SourceForge link to the first bitcoin reference client and the following statement: “Announcing the first release of Bitcoin, a new electronic cash system that uses a peer-to-peer network to prevent double spending.

It’s completely decentralized with no server of central authority” Nakamoto then went on to give a brief summary of Bitcoin’s implementation and explicitly add a disclaimer stating that the included software was still alpha and experimental. When Jobs introduced the iPhone he had the attention of the entire tech world.

Everyone knew the device would be a game changer, but no one could have predicted that five years later the iPhone would catalyze the creation of a ride hailing application called Uber., higher than that of car markets GM, Ford and Honda, and could very well go on to become the world’s first trillion-dollar company. Nakamoto’s announcement on the other hand went relatively unnoticed by the public, but a handful of dreamers immediately realized the ramifications of Satoshi’s vision. The first to respond to Nakamoto’s email was cypherpunk legend Hal Finney. Three days later on January 12, Nakamoto executed the first Bitcoin transaction, in block 170, sending 50 bitcoins to Finney. In May of 2010 roughly a year and a half after Bitcoin’s genesis block was mined by Nakamoto, two members of the BitcoinTalk community forum executed the first real-world purchase.

10,000 BTC for a $25 pizza. Five and a half years have since passed and with a near six-billion dollar market capitalization it is safe to say that Bitcoin come a long way, but there is still a ways to go. Bitcoin Today Since 2013 the Bitcoin industry has somewhat operated in stealth mode.

Companies like, and have been hard at work in collaboration with the Bitcoin Core developers to ready Bitcoin for the next and brightest stage of its life thus far. In the words of software legend Joel Spolsky, “.” 21 Inc’s CEO, Dr. Srinivasan stated the following in a prior to founding 21: “A good founder is capable of anticipating which turns lead to treasure and which lead to certain death. A bad founder is just running to the entrance of (say) the ‘movies/music/filesharing/P2P’ maze or the ‘photo sharing’ maze without any sense for the history of the industry, the players in the maze, the casualties of the past, and the technologies that are likely to move walls and changes assumptions.” So what about Bitcoin is likely to “move walls” and “change assumption?” While user-monetizable data is of significant importance to Bitcoin’s future, the concept of “user-monetizable actions” is of far greater importance. The DARPA Network Challenge At 10 a.m. EST on December 5th, 2009 (this date was picked to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Internet) the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), known for creating the ARPANET, a precursor to the Internet and contributing to the onion protocol used by the Tor network, launched 10 red balloons in undisclosed locations across the continental United States.

A month earlier DARPA proposed an open challenge to teams across the nation. The first team to locate all 10 balloons and report their findings to DARPA would receive a $40,000 reward. What happened next exceeded the researchers wildest expectations.

Less than nine hours after DARPA launched the balloons a team from MIT won the competition. How did they do it? By embracing the concept of user-monetizable actions.

In 2005, Jon Kleinberg of the Department of Computer Science at Cornell University and Prabhakar Raghaven of Yahoo! Research published a paper titled “.” In it they write: “The concurrent growth of online communities exhibiting large-scale social structure, and of large decentralized peer-to-peer file-sharing systems, has stimulated new interest in understanding networks of interacting agents as economic systems. Here we formulate a model for query incentive networks, motivated by such systems: users seeking information or services can pose queries, together with incentives for answering them, that are propagated along paths in a network. This type of information-seeking process can be formulated as a game among the nodes in the network, and this game has a natural Nash equilibrium.

In such systems, it is a fundamental question to understand how much incentive is needed in order for a node to achieve a reasonable probability of obtaining an answer to a query from the network.” Building off the ideas presented in Kleinburg and Raghavan’s research, the team from MIT came up with the following strategy: “We’re giving $2000 per balloon to the first person to send us the correct coordinates, but that’s not all — we’re also giving $1000 to the person who invited them. Then we’re giving $500 whoever invited the inviter, and $250 to whoever invited them, and so on. “It might play out like this. Alice joins the team, and we give her an invite link like. Alice then e-mails her link to Bob, who uses it to join the team as well. We make a link for Bob, who posts it to Facebook.

His friend Carol sees it, signs up, then twitters about. Dave uses Carol’s link to join then spots one of the DARPA balloons! Dave is the first person to report the balloon’s location to us, and the MIT Red Balloon Challenge Team is the first to find all 10.

Once that happens, we send Dave $2000 for finding the balloon. Carol gets $1000 for inviting Dave, Bob gets $500 for inviting Carol, and Alice gets $250 for inviting Bob. The remaining $250 is donated to charity.” In essence the MIT team designed a recursive algorithm executed by willing participants by redistributing the prize money to the participants in such a way that a power incentive structure came to life. While the MIT team’s accomplishment is significant, particularly from the perspective of academia, it wasn’t the only major insight derived from the DARPA Network Challenge. Hacker George Hotz, known as geohot, in 2007 was the first person to carrier-unlock an iPhone. Hotz later went on to jailbreak Sony’s PlayStation 3. Hotz recently made headlines when he and a writer from Bloomberg Businessweek took a drive around the San Francisco Bay area in a self-driving car he built alone in just a month.

An hour prior to the start of the DARPA Network Challenge, Hotz tweeted to his then roughly 50,000 followers asking for their assistance in locating the balloons. Through his network Hotz located four ballons, he was then able to trade information with other teams ultimately bringing his balloon count to eight.

The approach taken by the MIT team displays the raw power that a properly designed algorithm can have outside as well as inside the confines of Silicon. Hotz’s approach, on the other hand, allows us to contrast the academic perspective with that of a single hacker wielding influence over a network of individuals. If one combines the two approaches, by using Bitcoin to send microtransactions to their own network of followers, what you end up with is a variant of Kleinberg and Raghavan’s Query Incentive Network model that allows one to execute MapReduce-like operations over a large network of willing participants. End-User Monetization We can change our perspective, yet again, and view things through the eyes of an end user performing tasks on behalf of another individual.

While this sounds like a new concept it really isn’t. Celebrities have monetized their actions on Twitter and Facebook for years. The musician Jared Leto and socialite Kim Kardashian have reportedly received for promoting products that fall in line with their personal brand. Until now, it hasn’t financially made sense for a user with a few thousand followers to receive payments for endorsements. Additionally, most celebrities tend to rely on agents who cut deals with sponsors on their behalf. Even if the average user put in the effort to build a network of sponsors, it is highly unlikely that a sponsor would want to deal with a user who’s follower count is below 100,000. As with most scenarios that rely on the ability to perform microtransactions, the pre-bitcoin banking system isn’t designed to handle small, fast, and international transactions.

Earlier this week Srinivasan presented his thoughts on the future of user-monetizable actions. After presenting scenarios such as the Twitter covered above and derivatives such as a Bitcoin-based, decentralized version of Fiverr, he left two questions to ponder: • What would life be like if even while you were asleep an autonomous agent handled requests that earned Bitcoin on your behalf?

• What would you do with your own personal army of willing, waiting, able and ready individuals? Final Thoughts The class at Stanford University has gone tremendously well. Likely because a majority of the students enrolled in the course have little to no previous knowledge about Bitcoin, they will be able to leverage the abstractions provided by the 21 Bitcoin Computer’s and quickly rhapsodize applications into existence without the burden of knowledge (fatigue) many of us have accumulated over the years. A computer science student named hacked together his own tunneling protocol allowing him to securely communicate with his from a web browser.

While a future release of the two1 library will likely support browser-to-machine BitTransfers triggered by 402 requests, today the 21 Bitcoin Computer is being used for machine-to-machine transactions. Most likely, Axel executed one of the world’s first 402 request transactions initiated from a web browser in exchange for user-monetizable data. The post appeared first on. This post is by Benjamin Roussey The first fundraising in the world for an initial public offering of a Bitcoin mining company has raised 5.9 million Australian dollars, (USD $4.2 million) – falling short of its target of AUD $20 million. Based in Melbourne, the Bitcoin Group that it had raised AUD $5,927,168.40 in a bookbuild of its Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) listing. The company also announced that it was still progressing though the listing process with ASX.

Even though the amount raised was less than a third of the amount it tried for, CEO of Bitcoin Group Sam Lee called it a “solid result.” During an interview on CNBC on Tuesday, Lee said the amount raised is sufficient for the company to execute its current strategy of acquiring new mining equipment to expand its footprint. Although it was scheduled to take place on Tuesday, Bitcoin Group has not yet announced its quote on the ASX. It is expected that the company will trade under the ticker BCG. The price of shares was at AUD $0.20, with AUD $2,000 as the minimum subscription. There is no maximum subscription. According to the Australian Taxation Office, Bitcoin is an asset for capital gains tax purposes. This is the first time a publicly listed entity has been led by the Bitcoin Group Management since its incorporation in September 2014.

Lee, the CEO, has a background in financial services and digital media. On CNBC, Nicolas Debock, a venture capitalist at Balderton Capital in London, said he would need to think twice before investing in a Bitcoin mining firm, as it has a number of risks. He added that many venture capitalists have invested in Bitcoin in the last three years, but there still has been no money coming out. Bitcoin Group produces approximately 1.2 percent of the world’s Bitcoin mining output, with six mining sites in Iceland and China.

Due to the affordability of electric supply in China, a large percentage of its operations are conducted in China. However, since it is significantly lacking in diversification, the company could be left vulnerable to changes in regulations resulting from the Chinese stance on Bitcoin. If the company had raised the AUD $20 million it had hoped for, the plan was to use AUD $18 million as an investment in equipment and facilities for Bitcoin mining. The remaining AUD $2 million was to be used for general corporate purposes, including costs for listing. On CNBC, Debock said that a large number of people still believe in Bitcoin in the long term, whether it is the technology or the asset. The post appeared first on. The Bitshares 2.0 platform OpenLedger has announced its latest partnership with Emercoin to create “new synergies” within the blockchain-based service space.

The two companies want to provide an array of new concepts to the cryptocurrency and distributed ledger landscape believing each platform can better the technologies. Jason Cassidy, Chief Communications Officer at Emercoin, is thrilled about joining forces stating: Also read: Alibaba to Possibly Use Blockchain Tech for Alipay Service ‘OpenLedger represents the future of not only digital currency trading but all digital assets. As blockchain technology blossoms there will be many more layers of innovation coming to the market and we feel the OpenLedger platform is a great example of this. Users will be able to interact with Emercoin (EMC) in many new, creative ways.’ — Jason Cassidy, Emercoin Emercoin and OpenLedger collaborating means both services can offer new features and “bring the world a new type of trading experience.” New synergies include: Create their own currency as a User Issued Asset (UIA) Collateralise a new coin by creating a Market Pegged Asset (MPA). This allows a physical commodity (such as gold) to back the underlying value of the currency Deploy their own real-time blockchain using OpenLedger As well as adding each team’s innovations OpenLedger says they are looking into implementing Emercoin’s blockchain-based services within the Bitshares platform. Emercoin has recently made headlines for working with the Microsoft Azure BaaS project. The Danish registrar for OpenLedger, Ronny Boesing, CEO of CCEDK exchange says, “We are excited at the possibility of being able to integrate Emercoin’s suite of tools and services into the OpenLedger platform.

— Emercoin representatives will be introduced to the BitShares Community in one of coming Beyond Bitcoin weekly hangouts on Mumble, offering the community and guests a close-up opportunity to evaluate and vote on what EMC services could be brought on board and in what fashion. Services like EMC SSL have solid potential to increase the security, stability and ease of use of the OpenLedger platform, for example.” The partnership will provide insight to both companies on the technologies they offer such as Market Pegged Assets (MPA), SmartCoins, and the creation of a permissioned blockchains.

Ronny Boesing told the Bitcoinist over Skype: “With today’s announcement of Emercoin joining OpenLedger I feel it is a great new day of innovation and a day where we might already have caught a glimpse of what Openledger will be looking like in the near future. I feel personally overwhelmed by the interest in many fresh and highly professional currencies showing interest to join the platform, and expect the world to see much more to come. Wouldn’t it just be great if we all met on OpenLedger exchanging not only crypto but also ideas for progress making it a win-win situation for all.” — Ronny Boesing, CEO of CCEDK Boesing says for a limited time from February 8-18th all Emercoin users who sign up with OpenLedger will receive ten free Obits. Obits are the native currency of the OpenLedger network and the coin had “the first successful buyback took place on 2nd February with the result that some 49,800 OBITS were burned, equivalent to 13 BTC.” Both teams say they are excited to offer each other new ways to improve their already solidified networks and look forward to growing the partnership. What do you think of the OpenLedger and Emercoin partnership?

Let us know in the comments below. Disclosure: Bitcoinist is not affiliated with any of the above-mentioned companies Images courtesy of OpenLedger & Emercoin websites, and Shutterstock The post OpenLedger and Emercoin Partner to Create ‘New Synergies’ appeared first on Bitcoin Press Release: is the first cryptocurrency deposit company on the Bitcoin trade market that allows multiple deposit options. Offers users the opportunity to make bitcoin, litecoin and dash deposits to earn a secure passive income. MyBitDeposit is a transparent company registered in US, contactable by phone, and with both founders available on LinkedIn.

Their professional team of traders make calculated investments with the company funds to earn profit for their clients. There are no fees for opening, maintaining or closing a deposit account.

MyBitDeposit are now seeking additional funding. The MyBitDeposit team has developed a Bitcoin investment strategy that has been created to provide the highest possible returns for their customers.

Interest rates are growing every month, increasing up to 24.00% P.A. Founder Aleksandar Altanbashev explains, “We have a team from professional traders. They have developed an investment strategy and earn interest through trading on existing exchanges.

We also have created a money buffer with already attracted funding from private investors – $100 000. This measure provides our clients with protection from any future losses.” MyBitDeposit users can choose from two deposit options. BTC, LTC and DASH can be used in all types of deposits. ‘MyBitDeposit in Advance’ is optimal for clients who prefer to receive their interest when they open their deposit account rather than at its maturity. Benefits for the clients: • The interest is payable at the beginning of the period • High Interest rate – fixed for the whole period • No charges for opening, maintaining, and closing the deposit account. • 24/7 Support Investors that choose to open ‘MyBitDeposit term deposit’ will receive the same benefits with the difference that the client enters into an agreement with MyBitDeposit; according to which, upon the expiration of the term that is fixed under the agreement, MyBitdeposit owes the client interest which amount is according to the amount deposited.

To learn more about MyBitDeposit please go to: About MyBitDeposit: MyBitDeposit was founded by former test engineer and technical support analyst Aleksandar Altanbashev and former technical support engineer Miroslav Angelov. The team have solid experience in a variety of technologies: Backup solutions, C/C++, PHP, Bash, MySQL, Linux. MyBitDeposit is a privately owned company operating on the Bitcoin trade market and have been verified by GeoTrust which requires a “Professional Opinion Letter” signed by a lawyer located in US. MyBitDeposit LLC is a Delaware Limited-Liability Company (LLC) filed on June 1, 2015.

The company’s File Number is listed as 5757206. The Registered Agent is Incorp Services, Inc.

And is located at 1201 Orange St., Ste 600 One Commerce Center, Wilmington, DE 19899 For more information please visit. Media contact Name: Aleksandar Altanbashev Email: Phone: +17 Country: Sofia, Bulgaria Linked In: Aleksandar Altanbashev – Miroslav Angelov – MyBitDeposit LLC is the source of this content.

Virtual currency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are not subject to FDIC and other consumer protections. This press release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest.

About Bitcoin PR Buzz: Bitcoin PR Buzz has been proudly serving the PR and marketing needs of Bitcoin and digital currency tech start-ups for over 2 years. Bitcoin Press Release: Cryptocurrency trading platform XMLGold offer a wide array of user-friendly services such as instant bank transfers for Bitcoin. Users may also withdraw funds directly to Visa and MasterCard.

Launched in the year 2000, cryptocurrency trading platform cryptocurrency service provider. Guide To Mining Bytecoin BCN. XMLGold enables their clients to buy and sell Bitcoin and other types of cryptocurrencies and to withdraw the funds directly to their bank card. XMLGold clients can also buy Bitcoin by depositing funds via instant bank transfers. XMLGold users worldwide can send their money to their and receive the funds instantly. To use XMLGold’s services is cheaper than to send a bank wire transfer and does not require any registration.’s ‘Instant Online Bank Transfer’ service allow clients to pay instantly by using their online bank account and to get the ordered cryptocurrency within a minute.

As for now the eligible countries are restricted to Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. XMLGold hopes to extend their Instant Online Bank Transfer service to more countries in the near future. About XMLGold Launched in the year 2000. XMLGold services are compatible with Perfect Money, Bank wire, Bitcoin, Litecoin, MoneyPolo, Payeer and PayPal. XMLGold also offer a generous referral program where the affiliate will receive 10% of the profit. All XMLGold transactions are protected with SSL 256-bit encryption matched with a user-friendly interface. To learn more please go to: XMLGold is the source of this content.

Virtual currency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are not subject to FDIC and other consumer protections. This press release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest.

About Bitcoin PR Buzz: Bitcoin PR Buzz has been proudly serving the PR and marketing needs of Bitcoin and digital currency tech start-ups for over 2 years. Bitcoin Press Release: The possibilities for innovation are near limitless with by creating simple IOU’s, SmartCoins that are backed with real-world collateral and/or deploy their own graphene-powered blockchain. Perhaps it’s time for a quick introduction as well as numerous altcoins like DOGE, DASH, Peercoin, Litecoin, NuBits, NuShares, BlockShares, Emercoin and coming up Ethereum, Factom and more. These are all offered via the registrar of OpenLedger CCEDK, but could just as well be created by the users themselves. Adding a Coin to OpenLedger: Anyone can use for their own crypto currency.

Due to the power of the underlying Graphene real-time blockchain technology, we are able to offer users three options, each with their own unique feature set. • Create a new currency as User Issued Asset.

• Create a Market Pegged Asset for their coin. • Deploy their own real-time blockchain together with OpenLedger Create a new currency as User Issued Asset: The most convenient way to create a cryptocurrency is by simply creating, selling and trading a so called User Issued Asset (UIA). All users need to do is click a few buttons, define their preferred parameters for the coin, such as supply, precision, symbol, description and see their coin’s birth after only a few seconds. From that point on, they can issue some of their coins to whomever they want, sell them and see them instantly traded against any other existing coin on. An example of user issued asset is the revenue generating asset of decentralized platform called.

Coin creators don’t need to take care of all the technical details of blockchain technology, such as distributed consensus algorithms, blockchain development or integration. Users do not even need to run any mining equipment or servers, at all. There is a drawback in this scenario, namely, a centralized issuance of new Tokens. To some extent, this could be managed by a hierarchical multi-signature issuer account that prevents any single entity from issuing new coins but instead requires a consensus among an arbitrary set of people to agree on any changes to the coin.

Create a Market Pegged Asset: It is also possible to create a Market Pegged Asset (MPA) and let the market deal with demand and supply. All we need is a fair price and another asset that can be used as collateral. Since the issuer of a MPA has no control over the supply, the blockchain protocol deals with increasing and decreasing supply.

In order for a user to get some of the new coins, he will need to put collateral into a smart contract (technically, this contract is a contract for difference). A simple example would be an MPA that is backed by USD (a stable crypto currency within ) that requires a collateral ratio of 200%. Then, in order to get new coin, we can borrow 100 USD worth of new coins by paying 200 USD. Deploy a real-time blockchain together with OpenLedger: If none of the above points satisfy a users needs, they can also deploy their own graphene-based real-time blockchain instantaneously and we would be glad to help them integrate with OpenLedger’s infrastructure on their own blockchain.

Running their own possibly private blockchain has the advantage that users can tune every single parameter to their liking and have it fit their needs perfectly without discussion with other shareholders. Getting Started on OpenLedger: To view the OpenLedger tutorial video, explaining how anyone can issue their own currency on the platform, please go to: For more information please go to: To view an introduction video about OpenLedger decentralised smart trading please go to: Media Contact: Name: Ronny Boesing Email: City and Country Location: Blokhus, Denmark Created in co operation with Mr. Fabian Schuh CCEDK is the source of this content. Virtual currency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are not subject to FDIC and other consumer protections.

This press release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest. About Bitcoin PR Buzz: Bitcoin PR Buzz has been proudly serving the PR and marketing needs of Bitcoin and digital currency tech start-ups for over 2 years.

Disclaimer: CryptoSlate has no affiliation or relationship with any coin, business, project or event unless explicitly stated otherwise. CryptoSlate is only an informational website that provides news about coins, ICOs and events.

None of the information you read on CryptoSlate should be taken as investment advice. Buying and trading cryptocurrencies should be considered a high-risk activity. Please do your own due diligence before making any investment decisions. CryptoSlate is not accountable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss incurred, alleged or otherwise, in connection to the use or reliance of any content you read on the site.