Wordpress BitcoinDark BTCD Miner

Wordpress BitcoinDark BTCD Miner

The cloud mining service Genesis Mining has added options for its users to mine alternative SHA-256 based crypto coins besides Bitcoin with the purchased hashrate. This is probably the first and only one to offer such service for cloud mining contracts for SHA-256 hashrate, just like they also did with the Scrypt cloud mining hashrate and the option for mining alternative coins and not only LTC. Oregon Mines Litecoin LTC more. The new SHA-256 coin that you can choose to is currently Unobtanium (UNO), or you can choose to have your most profitable coins mined and automatically exchanged for BitcoinDark (BTCD), DarkCoin (DRK) or Litecoin (LTC). Genesis Mining has been out of stock for their Scrypt cloud mining hashrate for a while, so currently you can only purchase SHA-256 cloud hashrate and the ability to mine only UNO or BTCD or to share your hashrate between these is interesting, and hopefully we are going to see some other coins available soon. Regarding Scrypt hashrate, since the hardware supplier for the hashrate was ZeusMiner and with regards to the company recently cancelling their plans for next generation chips probably the service will have to find another hardware supplier before offering more hashrate to customers. So for the moment Genesis Mining is only offering SHA-256 cloud mining hashrate that is no longer limited for mining Bitcoins and there should be no problems with availability since the supplier for the hardware here is Spondoolies Tech.

BitcoinDark (BTCD) is a disrupting crypto currency platform that seeks to overcome many of the disadvantages inherent to the current world of finance. In addition: we firmly believe that everyone should be free to transact privately, and without the costs imposed by the gatekeepers of the world’s currencies and markets. The BitcoinDark client includes an integrated instant decentralized exchange (InstantDEX), which allows near-realtime trading of a wide range of crypto currencies and assets. InstantDEX builds up composite order books from many sources, giving the best possible depth and narrowest spreads, and settles trades on a peer-to-peer basis. BitcoinDark’s Pegged Asset Exchange (PAX) enables users to buy and sell pegged assets, including major currencies (USD, EUR, GBP, CNY), commodities (gold, silver, copper), ETFs and stocks.

PAX is completely decentralized and has no single point of failure – meaning it cannot easily be shut down by governments or other third parties. InstantDEX, PAX and also BitcoinDark itself can be stored on your own personal machine. This means that you will always have access to your assets: no more need for brokers and/or banks to function as your middleman! From now on you can do it from your own home. Be your own bank, and take the responsibilities that come with it. Never before in history has mankind been able to trade, store and send currencies, commodities and stocks this easily. BitcoinDark is a complete financial system.

Revenues generated are distributed to stakers to reward them for protecting and maintaining the network. Anyone can buy BTCD and run the client. Revenues are periodically paid out in BTCD, with revenue streams generated by SuperNET and a wide range of other businesses and initiatives.

Bitcoin Dark Wallet

Website: – Block Explorer: – Coin Specifications • SHA-256 Algorith for PoW + PoS • PoW Block Reward: 80 BTCD • Total Number of Coins: 1.6 million PoW / 22 million total • PoW Blocks: 20,160 • PoW Target Blocktime: 1 minute • Time to Maturity: 100 Confirmations • Proof of Stake Reward: 5% per year • Minimum Coin Stake Age: 8 hours • 1.5% premine to be used for development purposes Wallet: – – – Source Code: – Ports: – RPC Port: 14632 – P2P Port: 14631 Mining Pools: – – Coin Exchanges: – – – –. Copyright ©2014-2018 - - All About BTC, LTC, ETH mining as well as other alternative crypto currencies. This is a blog for crypto currency miners and users of Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH), ZCash (ZEC) and many others. If you find helpful and useful information you can support us by donating altcoins or Bitcoin (BTC) to: 1AxbMZwtcmCByrHiaWwhse5r6ea1YgBwk1 ETH: 0x8d785ff337046444d8afbac169bcb7c0adfb3266 - LTC: LPYFPK7dL1uEtwrAteLmxs7w8Je446gAAJ - ZEC: t1gg5rWxeMBMsyDRMrq5PJdFLiWQ86LGggi.

Here are some details about an Android home screen widget, called BitcoinDark BTCD Market, that you might find to be of interest. This software is very similar in function to another of my products titled, PayCoin XPY Markets Widget. First, let's look at what a widget is. It's not like an app that you have to load and run each time you wish to use it. Instead, you install it on your home screen where it just always runs, even if you are using a different app.

Whenever you return to your home screen, a widget will be there for you. To add the BitcoinDark BTCD Market widget to your home screen, go to your 'Widgets' tab in your applications area, You will find all the widgets you have in alphabetical order, so the BTCD widget will be near the beginning. Go there and LONG PRESS on the blue spriral BTCD icon until it moves. Then you can drag it onto your home screen. To remove the BitcoinDark BTCD Market widget after it has been placed on your home screen, LONG PRESS on the running display until it moves.

Sep 9, 2017 - Komodo is a very ambitious huge ecosystem that offers too many things to list here. It is hard to understand but has big plans. Oct 13, 2016 - Those interested in participating in the ICO can buy Komodo cryptocurrency (KMD) with either Bitcoin (BTC) or BitcoinDark (BTCD). The cryptocurrency forked from. In order to eliminate the use of PoW mining, Komodo blocks are created using Delegated Proof of Stake mechanism. The upcoming ICO will. BitcoinDark (BTCD) SHA256-based alternative cryptocoin 14, Jul 2014 BitcoinDark (BTCD) is a disrupting crypto currency platform that seeks to overcome many of the disadvantages inherent to the current world of finance. Sep 28, 2017 BitcoinDark (BTCD) is a decentralized. A Quick look on BitcoinDark and its Trading. You are commenting using your WordPress.com account.

You can drag it to a new position, or drag it to a trash can icon that appears. Dragging the widget to the trash can does not delete the widget completely from your device.

It only removes it from your home screen, and you can go back to your 'Widgets' tab to add it again. When you purchase BitcoinDark BTCD Market widget and download it from the Google Play app store, you receive an application as well as the widget. The application has its own icon that you can find under your 'Apps' tab. The only purpose for this aplication is to give you the option to reset data files that were created and stored by the widget. Normally, you wouldn't ever have to do this, but sometimes if a data file becomes corrupted, or if a future update requires it, press the button to delete all the widget data files. Doing so causes the widget to reset and reinitialize itself with its built-in default values. The widget data files will only be deleted if you press the button.

Backing out of the app, by pressing the Home or Back buttons on your device will take you back to your home screen without deleting anything. This means you can change your mind and back out, if you wish. Running after power-up. Once the widget is installed on your home screen, it runs indefinitely, or at least until you turn off your device.

It will automatically appear on the screen when you next power up the device. During this start up, the widget might appear with a blank screen for a moment or two while the software establishes connections with the various Internet sources from which information is taken.

You might also see a dialog box appear at this time that says something to the effect, 'Unfortunately BitcoinDark BTCD Market has stopped.' I am not sure why this dialog box appears, but do not be alarmed, You will see the widget there on the screen, and working. A possible explanation is that a delay in establishing Internet connections causes the dialog box to appear. This could happen upon power-up, or upon a break in your internet connection, but then after the connection is re-established, BitcoinDark BTCD Market widget runs like it's supposed to. What the widget tells you. Here is a list of all information reported by the BitcoinDark BTCD Market widget.

There are four 'pages' that display different info. With the widget running, tap on the display to switch from one 'page' to the next.

The information reported is a combination of figures taken from the web and calculations, or estimates, using web based figures. BitcoinDark prices in US dollar and euros.

These are pretty self explanatory. They are figures reported by Coinmarketcap.com BTCD/BTC bid and ask prices. Figures reported by the Cryptsy.com. The prices shown represent the spread between BitcoinDark buyers and sellers on the Cryptsy exchange. Figures represent the price in Bitcoin for one BitcoinDark. This number represents the total number of BitcoinDark in existence.At this time new coins are produced by staking.

Sometimes the term 'market cap' or market capitalization is used to refer to a coin's total market value. You can calculate the market cap for BitcoinDark by multiplying Total BTCD by the BitcoinDark price in dollars or euros. Source: chainz.cryptoid.info Avg. The average transaction amount. This is Not the average of all transactions, but rather the average of a small sample of ten consecutive transactions updated once per minute.

An average is the result of adding ten transactions and dividing by ten. TX provides a snapshot of transactions on the blockchain.

Source: calculated from chainz.cryptoid.info Median TX. The Median is the result of arranging the ten transactions in order from smallest to largest and then taking the middle one, or in this case, the amount halfway between item 5 and item 6. The median is the middle value of a group of transactions.

At any moment, the average and median are calculated from the same group of ten transactions. Sometimes you may observe that the average will be quite high, say 500 BTCD, but the median is much smaller, say 15 BTCD. This happens because our sample has captured one or two very large transactions and the remaining ones were much smaller. The large transactions skew the average higher, but the median is the value of the actual middle, perhaps a much smaller amount. By looking at both the average AND the median, you can get a picture of how volatile the money flow is. If the average and median are about the same, transactions are fairly constant calm and steady.

If there is a large difference between them, you know you are looking at lots of frothiness and choppiness. Source: calculated from chainz.cryptoid.info Minting Hourly. This report attempts to tell the hourly coin minting rate. New coins are minted by wallets as new transactions are added to the blockchain. This raises the count of total coins over time. The widget monitors the new coinage once per minute and makes projections of the hourly rate of new coins minted. Source: calculated from chainz.cryptoid.info Minting Daily.

The same applies here only for a daily rate. It takes a few hours of sampling to begin to make good estimates of a daily rate. When you first start BitcoinDark BTCD Market, the widget will simply multiply the hourly rate by 24 for daily, but as more samples become available, a more accurate daily rate will be computed.

There is a problem in formulating hourly and daily minting projections, and that is because the rate of minting is not steady. You can't just multiply an hour's worth of samples to get a true picture of a day's worth of new coins. You will see this as you observe minting rates when they gyrate high and low when you first start running the widget, over time, the reported values will stabilize. Source: calculated from chainz.cryptoid.info Daily Flow. This is a super experimental attempt to shed light on the 'velocity' of paycoin transactions. Velocity is a term used by economists to describe the rate at which a currency changes hands in an economy. It is a gauge of an economy's overall health.

High velocity means lots of money changing hands, or money circulating many times--good for the economy. Low velocity is the opposite. Relatively less money changing hands, or money just sitting, not circulating--bad for the economy. To compute daily flow, the widget does not add up all the transactions in one day, but it produces an estimate of this daily amount. The widget computes an average transaction size of a much smaller sample. It uses this figure along with the target of one block solved per minute, and a representative average number of transactions per block, which the widget pulls from the web periodically.

From this, BitcoinDark BTCD Market widget computes an estimate of the daily sum of transactions. Generally, velocity is expressed as a ratio of money flow divided by total money supply.

Maybe a BitcoinDark economy could be described by its velocity, expressed as a similar ratio of daily flow divided by total coins. BTCD/BTC Exchange prices Current prices on Cryptotrade and BleuTrade exchanges. These prices are the price in bitcoin for one BitcoinDark.