Litecoin LTC Mining Tutorial

Litecoin LTC Mining Tutorial

* The examples provided may not be representative of typical results. Your capital is at risk when you invest in securities – you can lose some or all of your money. Never risk more than you can afford to lose.

Dear Reader, With dozens of digital currencies exploding as high as 3,475%, 21,611% and even 81,465%. Historians will call today’s cryptocurrency market the biggest BOOM ever! And if you’re missing out You could be cheating yourself out of the only chance you’ll EVER have To turn a tiny investment into a retirement fortune in almost no time. And it couldn’t be easier. Even if you know nothing about cryptocurrencies All you have to do is follow my simple, 3-step script you see below. Because every single BOOM throughout history has followed this script.

The stock market boom in the roaring ’20s The tech boom in the 1990s The housing boom in the 2000s And now the booming cryptocurrency market is following this exact same 3-step script. *The examples provided may not be representative of typical results. Your capital is at risk when you invest in securities – you can lose some or all of your money. Never risk more than you can afford to lose. Using this roadmap, I already made an investment that returned a total profit of $1.8 million * From one single cryptocurrency trade!

How to mine Litecoin – CPU mining. You can learn more about GPU mining on our next tutorial,GPU mining guide. Remember to change Coin to LTC.

And before you guess, it was not Bitcoin the “granddaddy” of all cryptocurrencies. You see, Bitcoin gained a lot of publicity after it turned many regular folks into millionaires. As The Economist magazine says.

Litecoin LTC Mining Tutorial

“Anyone clever or lucky enough to have bought $1,000 of Bitcoins in July 2010, when the price stood at $0.05, would now have a stash worth $46 million.” The thing is The fast money in Bitcoin has already been made. It was easy to make a quick fortune when Bitcoin was trading for pennies. But now that the digital currency is trading around $4,000 It will be harder for you to make millions from Bitcoin going forward. But if you missed the Bitcoin boom, don’t worry Because this year hundreds of smaller cryptocurrencies have popped up. And unlike the “expensive” Bitcoin Many of These Lesser-Known Digital Currencies Are Trading for Pennies!

In fact, I recently bought another cryptocurrency for just 52 cents! *The examples provided may not be representative of typical results. Your capital is at risk when you invest in securities – you can lose some or all of your money. Never risk more than you can afford to lose. And it’s already up 800%. In just three weeks! * Many other cryptos are trading for pocket change.

That means you could get started with a small starting investment And if you follow my proven 3-step script You could cash out with a retirement fortune just a few months from now * Just like what happened with early Bitcoin investors. I know that’s a huge claim But this kind of opportunity is ALREADY happening. Look what happened with Verge, a new cryptocurrency that improved upon Bitcoin’s privacy technology. Most people have never heard of it But had you made a tiny investment earlier this year You could have cashed out with several times your moneys * In a little more than two months. Isn’t that incredible? In my entire 30+ year career on Wall Street I’ve never seen any other investment that could make as much as 572 times your money in such little time.

* And Verge is not the only cryptocurrency that’s booming. Look what happened with DigiByte, a digital currency designed to protect its users against cyber threats. Just a few months ago, you could have bought it for pennies! And had you put in a small stake earlier this year It would have ballooned to a small fortune! * Again, this explosion happened in a matter of months. And you can make even more money if you’re a little more ambitious.

The more you put in the higher your gains. Something similar happened with another cryptocurrency called Nexus Had you invested when it was trading for pennies You could have walked away with a MASSIVE Profit! * Imagine Making a retirement fortune from one single trade. Do you see now why historians will call this the biggest financial boom ever? And here’s the thing As incredible as these gains are That’s just a small taste of what’s coming in the next 12 months.

How do I know that? Because so far cryptocurrencies are following a script that has been proven over, over and over again Throughout every single financial boom in history. And according to this script We’re on the Verge of a Massive Buying Frenzy Starting With a Single Event on April 27.

*The examples provided may not be representative of typical results. Your capital is at risk when you invest in securities – you can lose some or all of your money. Never risk more than you can afford to lose. Even though one of my investments already returned $1.8 million from a single cryptocurrency trade * I expect to make much more in the coming months Especially after April 27. That’s when a single event is set to send cryptocurrencies into an epic parabolic move. I’ll give you more details in just a moment. But what you need to know right now is that I’m not just making some sort of far-fetched guess.

This is all part of my 3-step script I’ve been telling you about. And while most people don’t know how to use this simple roadmap Every single boom in history has followed this script With no exception! Simply put, if you follow this script You’ll have a chance to make a retirement fortune in the coming months All while minimizing your risk. That’s the good news.

Now, here’s the bad news Like every single boom in history, this cryptocurrency bonanza won’t last forever. In fact, it could be all over by next year. * And when it’s over, you’ll NEVER see an opportunity like this again Not in your lifetime. Dogecoin DOGE Cash Mining Contract.

What does that mean for you? It means today you have a very small window of opportunity to act One that’s closing with each passing day. In fact Every Day You Wait, Someone Else is Growing Rich from Cryptocurrencies Just take a look at the recent gains from some of these digital currencies These are NOT annual gains. These are NOT monthly gains. These are gains that at one point happened in a 24-hour period!

Some of these cryptocurrencies are jumping 28%. And even 90%. *The examples provided may not be representative of typical results.

Your capital is at risk when you invest in securities – you can lose some or all of your money. Never risk more than you can afford to lose. In a SINGLE DAY! * Look at your retirement statement right now I have no idea what you’re doing with your money But I guarantee you’re NOT making these types of daily gains. These gains are unheard of!

It’s why historians will call this the biggest BOOM ever! And if you miss it I guarantee you’ll regret it for the rest of your life. That’s why I’m writing this urgent message To show you how to use my proven 3-step script But Before I Give You All the Details I Should Probably Introduce Myself Hi, I’m James Altucher. If my name sounds familiar, maybe you’ve read one of my 18 books, including best-sellers The Power of No and Choose Yourself Maybe you’ve read some of my articles published in The Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times and The New York Observer Or listened to my podcast “The James Altucher Show,” which has more than 20 million downloads. If you look me up online, you’ll see that the popular website Wikipedia describes me as “A hedge fund manager, entrepreneur, best-selling author, venture capitalist and podcaster who has founded or cofounded more than 20 companies.” I guess they forgot to mention I’m also a computer nerd. I wrote my first computer program in 1982 on an Apple II+ And I’ve been a coder and hacker for the past 35 years! I’m telling you this because when it comes to cryptocurrencies That’s a BIG deal.

You see, these digital currencies are created by computer programmers. That means you can only fully understand them if you can read the code behind each currency. And that’s my bread and butter. I even know many of the computer geeks who are actually developing these currencies. And thanks to my nerdy background, I’ve been neck deep in cryptocurrencies since 2013. In fact, that same year I created what was probably the first Bitcoin online “store” Where I presold my book Choose Yourself exclusively on Bitcoin. At the time, CNBC even invited me to talk about it on live TV.

The anchor was totally skeptical of Bitcoin. He insinuated I didn’t really care about cryptocurrencies and was just pulling a marketing stunt. You can see my shocking response in the 30-second clip below. While I was telling everyone Bitcoin would succeed The mainstream media was saying the exact opposite. A contributor for Business Insider called Bitcoin “something strange.” And they questioned “why anyone would think it’s useful.” A CNN op-ed said it was “a big scam designed to enrich its shadowy creators” and “a bubble that could soon pop.” And Slate published an article with the headline “Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme — the internet’s favorite currency will collapse.” So if you missed the Bitcoin boom, it’s not your fault.

The mainstream media simply “brainwashed” most Americans into thinking Bitcoin was a scam. Well, the people who ignored the clueless mainstream media And listened to what I said on CNBC instead would be up 3,710% today. * That’s more than 38 times their money in the last four years Enough to turn a small retirement fortune! I’m telling you this because I want you to realize that the mainstream media is clueless when it comes to new technologies. Case in point Let Me Show You One More Example Where I Was Actually Mocked on Live TV In 2007, shortly after Yahoo offered to buy Facebook for $1 billion I went on CNBC and predicted the company would be worth at least $100 billion. They thought I was crazy. And I was actually mocked on live TV.

You can see the short 30-second clip below. (It's quite entertaining.). Today, Facebook is worth more than $400 billion And those who bought shares 5 years ago, are up 870%! A few years after I made my Facebook prediction, CNBC published this headline admitting I was right! Bottom line Don’t expect the mainstream media to show you how to make a fortune from new tech trends, including digital currencies. Because they’re always late to the party.

Without my 3-step script, they’re totally lost. Not to mention that there’s a lot of misinformation out of there Some of my followers are getting scammed into investing in the wrong cryptocurrencies.

That’s why I’ve made it my mission to reveal the TRUTH about making money in this booming market. It’s time for me to set the record straight. So please pay close attention.

*The examples provided may not be representative of typical results. Your capital is at risk when you invest in securities – you can lose some or all of your money. Never risk more than you can afford to lose. Because in the next few minutes, I will show you how to use the same script my team of venture capitalists used to bank $1.8 million in a matter of months. * I’ll show you what I’m doing with my own money my family’s fortune the money I plan to leave to my kids and grandkids.

Then you can decide for yourself if this is right for you. But the truth is Dozens of Cryptocurrencies Are Exploding 3,475%, 21,611% and Even 81,465%. In a Matter of Months Take a look The few people who understand what’s going on are already making a life-changing fortune. People like Alan A., a 47-year-old San Franciscan. Less than a year ago, he bought three digital currencies. Ether, Golem and Gnosis. Within six months, he turned his $8,500 initial investment into $7.5 million!

* That’s a return of 88,000%. In a matter of months!

* Incredible, right? From New York scored big wins in cryptocurrencies like Game, Litecoin, Ripple and Dogecoin. *The examples provided may not be representative of typical results.

Your capital is at risk when you invest in securities – you can lose some or all of your money. Never risk more than you can afford to lose. And he was able to turn his initial stake of $15,000 into a $3 million fortune In less than two years. * After becoming a crypto millionaire, he said: “Anybody right now with half a mind and at least four fingers can click some buttons and get in on this inevitable exponential rise in crypto and make an INSANE amount of money.” As amazing as these gains are That’s just the beginning A small taste of what’s coming. Because on April 27, there’s a single event taking place at precisely 4 p.m.

And it could trigger a mad rush into cryptocurrencies. If you take a position right now In the right cryptos (I’ll show you which ones) You could make a retirement fortune in the next 12 months. * And don’t worry if you’ve never invested in cryptocurrencies before Even if you have no clue what a digital currency is You could still walk away with a life-changing fortune * Because I’ve put together an exclusive beginner’s guide package just for you. And I’d Like to Send You This Cryptocurrency Package FREE of Charge. It includes my brand-new book called Cryptocurrencies 101: How to Make a Fortune From Digital Currencies (not available on Amazon or anywhere else) And A never-before-released 6-video series Masterclass on Cryptocurrencies, where I’ll walk you step by step through the entire process. As far as I know, there’s nothing like this out there. I could probably charge hundreds of dollars for this package.

But for reasons that will become clear soon, I want you to have it for FREE. I’ll show you how to claim it in just a moment. First, let me show you how this cryptocurrency script works Making Money With Cryptocurrencies Could be as Easy as 1-2-3 The boom in cryptocurrencies is following the same script that has played out over, over and over again.

You see, every boom follows a sequence of three stages First, only early enthusiasts are courageous enough to invest in the new trend. That’s stage 1. Then, institutional investors (the so-called “smart money”) jump in. That’s stage 2. Finally, the public joins the party, triggering a massive explosion in price. That’s stage 3.

If you know how to use this roadmap, you could make an absolute fortune. * And to help you understand how this 1-2-3 sequence works Let me show you what happened during the 1990s boom in tech stocks. In the mid-1990s, most people didn’t even know what the internet was. In 1994, the morning show NBC's Today had a segment where one of the anchors asked, “What is the internet, anyway?” While most people were dismissing the technology as a fad. Early adopters like myself were heavily investing in it.

In 1995, I correctly predicted every company would need a website. So I started my first internet company to help big corporations get online. That’s how I ended up building the first websites for American Express, HBO, Sony and Disney, among others.

That was stage 1 of the boom! Only when Netscape went public in late 1995 did people outside Silicon Valley start taking the internet seriously. That’s when institutional investors started joining the party With pension funds and venture capitalists making a fortune when companies like Yahoo and Amazon went public. The additional flow of money from the “smart money” helped push tech stocks even higher. That was stage 2 of the boom. But the public was still not participating.

In June 1998, for example, mainstream economist Paul Krugman predicted the internet’s impact on the economy would be no greater than the fax machine. It wasn’t until 1999 that the masses finally started to invest heavily in tech stocks With more people jumping into the market Tech stocks jumped even higher Attracting more and more people wanting to get a piece of the action.

And that was the third and most explosive stage of the boom With the Nasdaq soaring more than 85% in 1999 alone. I’m telling you this because my research shows that cryptocurrencies are following this exact same script First, early enthusiasts Then, institutional investors And finally the public. So keep this sequence in mind Because in just a moment, I’ll show you how you can use this simple script to make a retirement fortune in almost no time. There’s no need to risk your hard-earned money trying to guess when these currencies will move Because Every Single Boom in History Has Followed this Script The so-called roaring ’20s followed this same roadmap First, only early enthusiasts invested in the new technologies of the time, such as radio, the car and easy access to electric power. Then in 1924 institutional investors jumped in Finally, in the late 1920s the news started reporting stories of overnight fortunes. And regular folks started to wonder: Why not me?

They started borrowing money just to buy stocks. Stocks went straight up. In 1928 alone, the stock market doubled. And it’s not just stock booms that follow this 3-step script, either. The US housing boom also followed this roadmap Take a look The biggest jump in housing prices happened from 2003 to 2006 When we entered stage 3 of the boom and flipping houses became a national obsession. And it’s not just here in the US.

Something similar happened during the historic boom in Japanese stocks With the masses pushing stocks straight up during stage 3 in the 1980s. This script is so reliable that it goes back centuries Just look what happened with shares of the South Sea Company in 1720 And with the boom in tulip bulbs in Holland during the early 1600s.

Isn’t that incredible? No matter what asset class No matter the geographic location And no matter what year the boom happened. Every single boom throughout history has followed the same script. It works 100% of the time. And in each one of those booms, people who knew how to use this script walked away with a fortune. Those who didn’t.

Lost all their money I’m Telling You All This Because This Script Is Playing Out Again RIGHT NOW in the Booming Cryptocurrency Market! So where are we now in this digital currency boom? Let me you walk you through the three stages, using Bitcoin as an example When Bitcoin “went public” in 2010, very few people understood the opportunity. Much like the internet in 1994, most people dismissed it as a useless technology. Only early enthusiasts invested in Bitcoin People like Brian Z., from San Francisco.

Back in 2010 he bought about 20,000 Bitcoins When the digital currency was trading for just over 15 cents. “I have everything I’ve ever dreamed of. I fly all over the world visiting friends, I do whatever I want with my time and I never have to worry about money for the rest of my life.” Imagine if that happened to you! That could be your reality a few months from now * But only if you invest in the right smaller cryptocurrencies the ones that are still cheap.

Because the truth is the big money in Bitcoin has already been made by early enthusiasts. That was stage 1 of the boom. We’ve moved into stage 2 around 2014. When institutional investors, aka “the smart money,” started investing in Bitcoin. Let me show you how The Smart Money is Going All In What started in 2014 has only intensified this year.

You see, the “smart money” is not just looking at Bitcoin anymore. With hundreds of cryptocurrencies exploding 3,475%, 21,611% and even 81,465%. They’re now investing in these smaller, lesser-known digital currencies. Forbes even published the following headline recently And went on to say. “Given how many new crypto millionaires have been minted old hands in finance who want in on this new world of value are launching funds.” Aside from these 15 new hedge funds There are 70 more in the pipeline! Once all these 70 funds get set up, billions in new capital will flow into these cryptocurrencies Helping push them even higher.

Ronni Moas, founder of Standpoint Research, explains this gold rush: “The floodgates are opening. I believe there are hedge funds and very deep-pocketed individuals going into this now, really hundreds of millions of dollars.” And get this Fidelity, which has $6.2 trillion in assets under management, has just partnered with Coinbase, the most popular cryptocurrency exchange. Imagine what will happen if some of those trillions start moving into cryptos! Simply put, institutional investors are jumping in with both feet.

This is all part of stage 2 of my script. And to Prove My Point, Here’s an “Inside Scoop” Andreessen Horowitz and Sequoia Capital are two of the most highly respected venture capital firms in Silicon Valley.

That’s because they tend to see major technology trends before anyone else. They’ve made billions by investing very early in social media companies like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Simply put, when these guys invest in something new, you should pay close attention. Well, Forbes has just reported that they’re “secretly” investing in a cryptocurrency fund called MetaStable. And I knew that way before the media reported on it. Because I’m good friends with one of the founders of the fund. You see, in the last 30 years I’ve built connections that go from the head of Google X (Google’s experimental laboratory) To Peter Thiel, founder of PayPal and early investor in Facebook To billionaire Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks and “Shark Tank” TV show star.

I’m also connected with just about every big hedge fund manager in Manhattan And every major venture capital firm on both the East Coast and in Silicon Valley. I can see behind the scenes that the “smart money” is now getting heavily involved in cryptocurrencies. My billionaire friend Mark Cuban is investing in it. Google is in it and so is billionaire Richard Branson.

*The examples provided may not be representative of typical results. Your capital is at risk when you invest in securities – you can lose some or all of your money. Never risk more than you can afford to lose. A small $500 investement would have ballooned into a retirement fortune of as much as $407,822 in just a couple of years.

* And a slightly larger investment could've literally turned into millions. * For example, a $5,000 investment in another cryptocurrency called SibCoin Could have paid a $2.8 million fortune in a matter of months. * Isn’t that incredible? No wonder the “smart money” wants a piece of the pie. Look, I recently had lunch with several hedge fund managers and other “Wall Streeters” in New York And they were all asking me about cryptocurrencies. They want to know how to get involved Because they know we’ll NEVER see a boom like this again.

But While the “Smart Money” is Going All In Everyday Folks Are Totally in the Dark If you don’t know anything about cryptocurrencies, don’t worry. You are NOT alone. Despite the massive investments from “the smart money” Despite all the newly minted millionaires And despite this exploding market Most people don’t even know what a cryptocurrency is.

To this date, less than one in ten thousand people has invested in Bitcoin. Just ask your friends, spouse and neighbors what they think of Ethereum, Litecoin and Monero. I bet they’ll have no clue what you’re talking about. That’s because the masses are NOT participating in this boom. Professor Panos M., Chair of the Department of Economics at Long Island University in New York, agrees with me.

He said we’re still missing “a broad participation beyond the ‘pioneers’ and the ‘early adopters.’” And that’s the key to my 3-step script. Remember, the biggest gains in any bull market throughout history only happen when the public joins the trend. It’s the masses that will push cryptocurrencies to the moon.

And That’s Exactly What’s Set to Happen on April 27 You see, with cryptocurrencies minting new millionaires seemly everyday This epic boom is starting to grab some headlines. Take a look With cryptocurrencies gaining publicity The masses will NOT remain on the sideline for much longer. In fact, I want you to mark April 27 on your calendar Because this Single Event is About to Catapult Cryptocurrencies into the Third and Most Explosive Stage of the Boom Simply put, this event will trigger a buying frenzy And help mint a new round of crypto millionaires. You see, big tech companies like Microsoft and Overstockare already accepting Bitcoin as a form of payment.

How Long Does It Take To Mine A Bitcoin BTC Block on this page. But what would happen if the world’s largest online retailer started doing the same? We’re about to find out Because with the popularity of Bitcoin exploding With people like Bill Gates saying cryptocurrencies are “the future of money” And with big economies like Japan legalizing Bitcoin as a form of payment I am certain that Amazon WILL ACCEPT Bitcoin. They have no choice. And this will be the tipping point that will create massive generational wealth unlike we’ve ever seen before. Of course only Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos knows for sure the exact date this will happen But given the company's history of staying ahead of its retail rivals Amazon could make the announcement as early as April 27, at 4 p.m., during its next earnings conference call. Which is why you need to act RIGHT NOW.

You see, eBay, Amazon’s biggest competitor, has already expressed interest in accepting Bitcoin payment. And according to Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne, Amazon will soon have no choice but to start accepting Bitcoins. He said: “They have to follow suit. I’ll be stunned if they don’t, because they can’t just cede that part of the market to us, if we’re the only main, large retail site taking Bitcoin.” Look, Amazon Web Services has already been working with Digital Currency Group, one of the biggest investors in the cryptocurrency technology. And Amazon executive Scott Mullins has confirmed it Amazon is “working with financial institutions and [crypto experts] to spur innovation and facilitate frictionless experimentation.” According to my research, they could make the announcement by April 27.

Once that happens, the impact on cryptocurrencies will be huge. We’ll see a buying frenzy like never before. It'll be like a Black Friday crowd at Best Buy. Only those who get in early will get a good deal.

Most people will be left out. That’s why I urge you to get in right now Get ahead of the crowd Ahead of the massive buying frenzy that will push cryptocurrencies straight up. Like I showed you today, every boom follows this 3-step script First, only early adopters bought Bitcoin. Then, the smart money started joining the party. And now we’re about to enter the third and most explosive stage of the boom in cryptocurrencies.

If you get in before April 27 You will have a rare chance to turn a small, early investment into a retirement fortune. After that date, this window of opportunity will be slammed shut forever. You’ll never see an opportunity like this again not in your lifetime. But DO NOT Rush to Buy Every Cryptocurrency Out There!

You see, right now there are 840 cryptocurrencies available. And if you blindly buy any of those There’s a 95% chance you’ll lose all your money. That’s because 95% of them are worthless and will eventually go to zero. Here’s the truth you won’t hear anywhere else Many of these digital currencies don’t have the technology necessary to make them a viable form of money Some can be printed willy-nilly Others can be easily hacked And others are simply a scam. How do I know that?

Because aside from being a computer coder myself I know other computer hackers who have looked into the codes of these currencies. For example, one of my contacts analyzed the cryptocurrency The DAO and discovered it was very susceptible to hacking. I stayed away from that specific digital currency. Sure enough, it was hacked and investors lost millions. Look, I’ll be the first to concede that most of these tiny cryptocurrencies are risky speculations But if you’re avoiding ALL cryptocurrencies, well You’re costing yourself tens of thousands. Even millions of dollars!

Because the truth is Cryptocurrencies Are Here to Stay! They’re doing to money what the internet did to mail. It’s the future of money. Saying cryptocurrencies are going away, it’s like saying the internet is going away. It’s not going to happen. But you’ll only make money if you buy the RIGHT cryptocurrencies! Remember what happened during the 1990s tech boom?

A lot of people made a fortune during the boom. I personally made $15 million in 1998 alone. And those who invested in enduring companies like Amazon, Google and eBay got very, very rich. At the same time, scores of foolish day traders and IPO junkies got crushed Because they invested in the wrong tech companies Companies that were worthless garbage.

That history is repeating itself right now in the cryptocurrency space. Only a handful of these digital currencies can really help you make money And I want to show you which ones. Everything You Need to Know is Inside this FREE Package.

To help you get started, I’d like to send you this FREE package Which includes my brand-new book and an exclusive 6-video series Masterclass on Cryptocurrencies. This package is NOT available on Amazon or anywhere else. But I’ve reserved a free unit for you today. Inside the book Cryptocurrencies 101: How to Make a Fortune From Digital Currencies, you’ll discover ***The #1 cryptocurrency to buy right now. (No, it’s not Bitcoin.) It’s already up 3,432% this year alone. But that’s just the beginning.

With Fortune 500 companies, like JP Morgan Chase, Intel and Microsoft, investing in this currency the potential here is really explosive. Even better it’s trading for a fraction of Bitcoin’s price. But it won’t remain cheap for long. See the details on page 50. ***The #1 mistake cryptocurrency investors are making right now. This could be the most important part of the book. Because a lot of people who are making this mistake will get wiped out.

But you will NOT be one of them. (See page 24.) ***The computer geek secret to make sure your crypto account will NEVER be hacked. Hint: You can do this even if you know nothing about computers.

***The 3-step screening process my team of venture capitalists used to pocket $1.8 million in a matter of months. With these 3 simple steps, you’ll be able to tell which cryptocurrencies are legit and which ones are a scam. If a currency does not check all these 3 boxes, forget about it. (Page 60.) ***How to invest in the booming cryptocurrency industry directly from your retirement account. With this secret, you will not need to fill out extra paperwork or open an account with a digital currency broker. You can even use your IRA.

Simply follow my instructions on page 65. And much, much more You’ll find everything you need to get started inside this FREE book From the philosophy behind digital currencies to opening an account to finding the right currencies to buy. And don’t worry, investing in cryptocurrencies is so easy a kid can do it Just look at Erik F., a 12-year-old kid from Idaho. *The examples provided may not be representative of typical results. Your capital is at risk when you invest in securities – you can lose some or all of your money. Never risk more than you can afford to lose. He started with a small investment of $1,000 in Bitcoin And was able to turn that into a $1.2 million fortune.

* If he can do it, anyone can! And to make your life even easier This Package Also Includes A Never-Before-Released 6-Video Series Masterclass on Cryptocurrencies You see, rather than just leaving you with a book I wanted to walk you step by step through the entire process. So here’s what I did I used my contacts in New York to select four people who knew nothing about cryptocurrencies. I put them in a room with me and got the cameras rolling. These are everyday folks just like you People who want to make a fortune from cryptocurrencies But don’t know how to get started. I wanted to prove to you that anyone can do this.

I’ve recorded everything and I’d like to send you this 6-video masterclass for FREE. I’ll personally “hold your hand” and teach you everything I know about how to make money from cryptos. In a moment, I’ll show you how you can access everything.

First, you might be wondering why I’d go through all this work Why not just keep this information to myself and make a fortune? To answer that, let me tell you a very personal story that explains everything How My Bank Account Balance Went from $15 Million to Just $143 As I mentioned, I’m already profiting from cryptocurrencies And my team of venture capitalists even banked $1.8 million recently. But life has not always been this “easy” for me. You see, a few years ago I lost my entire life savings. Back in 1998, I made $15 million when I sold my first company, called Reset. But I was young and stupid.

And within three and a half years, I went from millionaire to having just $143 left in my bank account. Let me tell you It’s not a good feeling when you have no clue how you’ll pay your mortgage or your children’s education. I was so broke and depressed that suicide crossed my mind.

I thought maybe my two little girls would be better off with the $4 million payout from my life insurance policy. But then I recovered got my act straight and launched new, successful businesses. And here I am Today I’m doing everything I can to make sure my kids and grandkids will NEVER go through the financial nightmare I went through. And I don’t want YOU to go through that either. Today you have a once-in-a-generation chance to secure a comfortable retirement once and for all. I sincerely believe those who take the right steps today could make a killing from cryptocurrencies.

* A year from now, you could be traveling around the world * Spending time in your new luxury home in the south of France Or simply drinking a cocktail with your loved ones in some exotic beach With the peace of mind that only comes when you KNOW you’ll never have to worry about money again. I’m talking about making enough to fund your entire retirement And still leave money for your kids and grandkids. You Can Get Started Today with this FREE Cryptocurrency Package. Here’s How to Claim It Even though cryptocurrencies are the best investment opportunity I’ve seen in my 35- year career It’s not the only investment trend I follow. In fact, on the first weekday of every month I publish a monthly income and opportunity briefing called The Altucher Report. I decided to launch this briefing because I know America is changing in profound ways. If you want a comfortable retirement You can no longer rely on conventional institutions like the government, Wall Street firms or corporations.

The truth is if you don’t choose the life you want to live Chances are, someone else is going to choose it for you. And the results are probably not going to be pretty. And that’s my mission in The Altucher Report To help everyday American retirees end their reliance on conventional institutions And learn how to grow your wealth and create your own streams of income So you can live your retirement exactly how you want Without EVER having to worry about money. The Altucher Report is the only place where I’ll personally update you on emerging new ways to earn more income and grow your wealth It could be a new business idea A potential deal with someone in my vast network of contacts Or an explosive investment in a new, disruptive technology.

Whenever I come across a unique opportunity, I’ll tell you when to buy. I’ll tell you when to sell. And I’ll give you all of my analysis behind each recommended move. No guesswork.

It couldn’t get easier. * And you can start today by claiming your FREE Cryptocurrency Package. I’ll send it to your doorstep as soon as you take a risk-free trial of The Altucher Report. My hope is that for you as a reader, it will be like having a wealthy friend who’s a Silicon Valley insider A friend who’s an insider in the Manhattan financial world and in the publishing and media world.

I’ll share secrets, insights and ideas I promise you won’t hear anywhere else. But don't take my word for it. Here’s What Others are Saying About My Work. “I’ve been reading James’ books, The Altucher Report, and listening to his podcasts for years. The reason why I’ve spent so much time listening to James is that he provides a TON of value.” -Bruce H.

I’m glad my work is already changing people’s lives. And I want YOU to be the next success story Starting with the once-in-a-generation opportunity in the cryptocurrency market. I know there’s nothing like my Cryptocurrency Package available in the market.

But I’ve seen some live cryptocurrency training selling for more than $2,000. So I know I could easily sell this package for $199 on Amazon And that would be an incredible bargain. But like I mentioned before, this is NOT for sale. I’m making this available to my readers only. That means today this package can be yours FREE As soon as you take a risk-free trial to The Altucher Report. And don’t worry You’re not going to pay anywhere near $199 to take this risk-free trial. I’ll tell you more about this special offer in just a moment.

First, I’d like to make this deal even sweeter by adding three special gifts for you Bonus Report #1: The 48X Back-Door Way to the Cryptocurrency Market During the famous California gold rush, those who mined gold made a fortune. But they were not the only ones.

Those who provided the miners with picks, shovels and other equipment needed for gold mining also walked away with fortunes. The same thing will happen with the crypto rush. I found a handful of public companies that are involved in the sector. And you could easily beat the market with them and make 5, 10 and even 20 times your money in the coming years. * For example, take my cryptocurrency stock #1 This company produces the chips that are essential for the cryptocurrency industry to function. No wonder the stock has already jumped 771% in the last couple of years In a time when the stock market went up just 16%!

That means you could have made 48 times MORE money than the overall market just in the last couple of years. * And that’s just from one stock.

I’ve identified two other opportunities one in the retail space and one in the cybersecurity space. And inside this report you’ll get all the details on all three stocks The ticker symbols the analysis when to buy how much to pay, etc This report is yours FREE when you take a risk-free trial of The Altucher Report. Bonus Report #2: Make 1,000% from the Seven Biggest Money-Making Trends in America Most people never make 1,000% on a single investment in their lifetime.

But if you understand what’s about to happen next it really is possible. And thanks to my extensive network that goes from Wall Street to Silicon Valley I tend to hear about investment ideas BEFORE they become popular. And that’s how you make BIG money by getting in before the crowd. This is exactly how I’ve made some great gains in recent years, including 6,000% on an early investment in Buddy Media (a social media platform now owned by Salesforce). 2,600% on an early investment in Ticketfly (a competitor to Ticketmaster, which lets you purchase tickets to events online). 1,200% in a little-known cloud computing firm. But that’s the past Looking ahead, I’m now focusing on the seven newest and most important big trends in America today.

And for each trend, I’ve already identified the best way to play it in the stock market. That’s seven stocks that can help you make 1,000% gains in the next few years, as these trends “go mainstream.” You’ll find all the details inside this second gift.

It’s also yours FREE when you take a risk-free trial of The Altucher Report. Special Bonus #3: My Book The Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth The list price of this hardcover is currently $22.46 on Amazon. But I'll give you an electronic copy of this book absolutely FREE as a part of this offer.

This 279-page book is jam-packed with some of my best income secrets that I personally use to survive and thrive in the new American economy. For example, you’ll discover. ***How to make HUGE reliable gains with Amazon! You'll be amazed when you learn how one of my friends is using Amazon to make more money than 95% of CEOs in the corporate world. WITHOUT owning a company, sourcing products or hiring employees. (See page 181.) ***How to eliminate your debt in 30 seconds or less. You’ll discover a secret method you can use to get rid of your mortgage and credit card debt.

It has nothing to do with declaring bankruptcy, moving, or hiding your assets and it's 100% legal. But I have to warn you.

This strategy is NOT for everyone. (See page 218.) ***How to use my 'Idea Matrix' to create your own income. And never rely on corporate America or the government again! Worried about depending on Social Security checks? Anyone who learns how to use this secret tool may never have to worry about income again!

(See page 19.) ***And much, MUCH more. If you respond today to this special offer, you’ll get immediate access to all of these moneymaking secrets — for FREE. Just to Recap, Here’s Everything You’ll Get • My exclusive Cryptocurrency Package, which includes my brand-new book Cryptocurrencies 101: How to Make a Fortune from Digital Currencies and my 6-video series Masterclass.

(Value: $199) • 12 issues of The Altucher Report. (Value: $99) • Bonus Gift #1: The 48X Back-Door Way to the Cryptocurrency Market (Value: $39) • Bonus Gift #2: Make 1,000% from the Seven Biggest Money-Making Trends in America (value: $39) • Bonus Gift #3: An electronic copy of my book The Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth (Value: $25) • Special 'Members Only' Email Updates Wondering what to buy, sell or hold?

As a member, you’ll receive updates every single week on every important piece of news relating to the markets and any of the ideas I may recommend in The Altucher Report. (value: $19) • Access to the The Altucher Report Support Team. As a new member, you’ll receive complete access to my support team, which can be reached by phone or email between the hours of 9 a.m. EST, Monday through Friday. (value: $19) That’s a total value of $439! But with today’s special offer, you’ll NOT pay anywhere near that.

Here’s what I propose Take a Full Year to Try It — No Pressure Because of today’s unprecedented situation in cryptocurrencies And because you probably don’t fully know me well I want to make it as easy and hassle-free as possible for you to try my work. So I asked my publisher to lower the price down to a level that would barely cover our publishing costs.

And we agreed on an incredible deal. Instead of paying the full value of $439. You’ll only pay a tiny fraction $49! And it means that for just 13 cents a day, you can have a full year’s subscription of The Altucher Report. And you’ll get everything else I promised today including my Cryptocurrency Package. I’ve also prepared a special “risk nothing, keep everything” guarantee.

When you sign up for The Altucher Report, we'll give you a full year to test out the service — at no risk to you. During that year, you’ll get 12 new issues — one a month. If, during those first 12 months, you find you're not satisfied with The Altucher Report You can simply call or email our customer service team and cancel your subscription. We'll give you a full refund, no questions asked.

And we'll let you keep everything you receive during your year as a subscriber — at no charge. You can keep your book Cryptocurrencies 101: How to Make a Fortune From Digital Currencies. You can keep your 6-video series Masterclass on Cryptocurrencies.

You can keep all the issues And you can keep ALL three bonus gifts. ***You can keep everything. This means there’s no risk to you at all. It's our way of saying thank you for giving The Altucher Report a try.

But Please Let Me Know Before April 27 As I showed you today, Amazon could make an announcement during its next conference call. It’s scheduled for April 27 precisely at 4 p.m. Dozens of cryptocurrencies could explode 100%, 500% and even 1,000% or more that day alone. * If you wait until after the announcement, I’m afraid it will be too late. The opportunity will be lost forever. Remember, this is the biggest boom in history.

You will NEVER see this again not in your lifetime. This is your only and last chance to turn a tiny grubstake into a retirement fortune.

It sure sounds impossible, but you know it’s NOT! It already happened with Bitcoin, where just $100 invested seven years ago. Would be worth $6.8 million today! * And now it’s happening again with smaller cryptocurrencies. Today I showed you how Alan A. Used these cryptos to turn $8,500 into $7.5 million in just six months *.

*The examples provided may not be representative of typical results. Your capital is at risk when you invest in securities – you can lose some or all of your money. Never risk more than you can afford to lose. Turned $15,000 into a $3 million fortune * And how I recently made an investment that returned $1.8 million from a single trade. * When you think about it like that, you simply have to respond to this offer right away. There’s really no reason why you shouldn’t Don’t waste any time or you will be left out!

Please click on the button below to claim your free Cryptocurrency Package AND a no-risk trial subscription (at today’s substantial discount) to my research service, The Altucher Report. Click the Button Below to Get Started on Your Path to Retiring a Millionaire. Subscribe Now I sincerely hope you join us today. I’ve given you my very best price offer and a “risk nothing and keep everything” guarantee.

***That means you have zero risk in joining us. That’s zero downside for what could be your only chance of making a retirement fortune in the coming months. * To get started, simply click on the button below. It will take you to a secure sign-up sheet, where you can review everything one last time before you join. Thanks for reading. And I look forward to welcoming you to The Altucher Report in the next few minutes. Sincerely, James Altucher Investment Director, The Altucher Report August 2017 P.S.

Remember, many of these cryptocurrencies are exploding 3,475%, 21,611% and even 81,465% higher. Which is why historians will call this the biggest boom EVER.

And with the big announcement coming as early as April 27, you’ll want to hurry so you don't miss out! This is your only chance of turning a tiny investment into a retirement fortune. If you miss out on this epic boom, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life. Click below to get started.