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Portable Metaverse ETP ETP Mining

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With the blockchain suddenly becoming much more than simply a platform able to run the over 700 different cryptocurrencies, there is growing talk that the technology may also be the catalyst to replace how companies receive funding in the future. Today most startup companies rely upon venture capitalists and brokers to grow to the point where they can apply for an Initial Public Offering (IPO) on a given market exchange.

And in exchange for cash, investors receive stock shares in that company. But a few recent events are providing a conduit for businesses that may no longer require stock exchanges at all to receive capital, and the rewards to investors may come in the way of cryptocurrency tokens rather than in the old form of shares and stock certificates.

Ever since Bitcoin first appeared on the scene several years ago, fans of the cryptocurrency have been searching for a way to apply the idea that might capture the public imagination and broaden the use of the technology beyond just geeks and programmers. Now, some believe that application has appeared with the rise of the 'token' economy, in which companies or startup ventures fund their operations by handing out units of cryptocurrencies. Some companies have even done 'initial coin offerings' or ICOs, in which they distribute tokens instead of shares to investors.

The cryptocurrency market is seen by some as a bubble with hugely inflated prices. Some observers say bitcoin and other similar ventures, an open-source alternative to Microsoft's Windows operating system that has never really achieved mainstream success.

But entrepreneur and investor Balaji Srinivasan, a partner at Silicon Valley venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, believes that token-based systems 'may eventually create and capture more value than the last generation of Internet companies.' - Ironically it may have been actions taken by the banks themselves following the 2008 finance crisis that could see the demise of the traditional way in which companies receive capital to expand and grow. This is because most commercial banks have shut off lending to small businesses and projects that would have otherwise been their bread and butter in the past, and this has led to the creation of capital sourcing through mechanisms such as Crowdfunding over the past eight years. With the advent of Initial Coin Offerings (ICO's) being used in place of Initial Public Offerings (IPO's) to fund new enterprises, markets could be seeing the beginning of a new paradigm shift, where stocks no longer hold the same value as they did in the past, and where cryptocurrency tokens replace them as the asset for short and long-term investment. When Britain voted to leave the European Union, the thoughts of Yorkshire teacher Grace Hall immediately turned to her family's bottom line. Three days later, as UK stocks and sterling plummeted, she put those thoughts into action and deposited part of her life savings -- 25,000 pounds -- into gold. 'My husband and I are both worried about bank failures and our cash getting swallowed up,' she said.

'I'm also worried about our kids' jobs and their future.' Hall was not alone. Dealers are seeing an unprecedented amount of interest in gold, much of it from first-time buyers, to take advantage of its role as a safe haven in times of stress or unexpected 'black swan' events like Brexit. 'The speed at which people are purchasing gold is unprecedented,' said Joshua Saul, CEO of The Pure Gold Company, where Hall bought and keeps her Britannia coins. 'We are seeing people convert as much as 40 to 50 percent of their net worth into physical gold, (compared to) 5 to 10 percent in the past,' he said. Government-owned bar and coin producer, the Royal Mint, saw a 7-fold increase in sales of 100-gram bars, around half the size of a credit card and costing around $4,400, in the two weeks following the June 23 vote. - And a year later the move away from the Pound and the Euro into gold doesn't appear to be slowing down, which has led Ex Oriente Lux to not only install a new gold dispensing ATM machine in West London, but to also have plans to install these machines in every major city in the UK over the next few years.

Gold vending machines are to be placed in every major city in Britain after the country's first machine was switched on in a West London shopping centre. The company behind the gold bar vending machines plans to install 50 across Britain over the next few years, allowing ordinary shoppers to invest in the precious metal as an investment. Michael McCleary, a businessman from Croydon, yesterday became the first person in Britain to buy a nugget from one of the machines.

He paid in cash and bought a 1g 'bar' of gold, costing £47. In reality the piece of gold was smaller and thinner than a mobile phone SIM card, but came in a presentation box.

In 2013 an oil and natural gas agreement between Russia and China would eventually grow into a complete energy program that led to a cracking of the 45 year old petrodollar system. And through the ability of nations to purchase energy using either Yuan or Rubles, reliance upon the dollar began its final decline. And ironically, it was about this time that the United States began a new policy of bypassing the United Nations to instead simply administer economic sanctions unilaterally on anyone they believed somehow threatened dollar hegemony. And this rogue use of economic warfare has isolated Washington even more. Even to the point of OPEC nations potentially leaving Western influence to join with Russia's Eurasian Economic Union. And on May 25, one of these oil producers finalized an agreement with Russia that ensures future protections against U.S.

Imposed sanctions, and shows the rest of the world how they too can avoid being bound by the dying petrodollar noose. Moscow and Tehran have signed a deal, under which Iran will sell crude to Russia in exchange for products, according to Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh. While sanctions against Iran have been lifted, banking restrictions on trade in US dollars remain, making it difficult to sell oil on the open market. 'The deal has been concluded.

We are just waiting for the implementation from the Russian side. We have no difficulties; we signed the contract, everything is coordinated between the parties. We are waiting for Russian oil companies to send tankers,” he said, as quoted by Russian news agencies RIA and TASS. The agreement was initially reached in 2014 when Iran was under Western sanctions over its nuclear program. When the sanctions against Tehran were lifted in 2016, Russian Energy Minister Aleksandr Novak said the deal was no longer necessary. However, in March 2017, Novak said it was back on the table with Russia buying 100,000 barrels per day from Iran and selling the country $45 billion worth of goods. Despite the lifting of sanctions, Tehran is still facing problems in re-connecting Iranian banks with global financial markets.

A February report by the International Monetary Fund said that while Iran has been reconnected to SWIFT, significant challenges prevent Iranian banks fully-reconnecting to global banks still exist mostly due to remaining US sanctions. “US primary sanctions apply to US financial institutions and companies, including their non-US branches (but not their subsidiaries). Moreover, with very limited exceptions, businesses and individuals related to the US continue to be generally prohibited from dealing with Iran, including with the government,” the IMF said. “US dollar clearing restrictions have not been lifted and pose a significant challenge for non-US banks who may do business with Iran, but may not be paid in US dollars,” it added. - As both Russia and China continue to create and institute infrastructures that allow nations to function in all financial capacities outside of SWIFT and the Western financial system, the sooner the petrodollar can be completely buried in the ground. And as well, it will mean the sooner that U.S. Dominion over the economic affairs of nations can finally come to an end.

Boris Schlossberg of BK Asset Management has joined the cadre of investment advisors who see bitcoin as a way for investors to hedge their bets against market uncertainty. Schlossberg, according to, sees bitcoin as an addition to an investment portfolio in the wake of political uncertainty.

Schlossberg sees parallels between bitcoin and gold, and he noted that bitcoin is being called the “new gold,” due to its ability to retain value over time. He noted that bitcoin is holding steady following its 92% rally this year. Speaking Wednesday on “Trading Nation,” Schlossberg said the cryptocurrency is holding at steady highs, and that when there is a big move for any type of instrument, there is usually some continuation.

Bitcoin is clearly signaling more demand, Schlossberg observed. He favors it as a hedge play moving forward. – Additionally, a contributor to CNBC on May 28 analyzed Bitcoin the same way he would an investment and highlighted the risk - reward potential that it and other cryptocurrencies offer. 'I wish I’d invested in Bitcoin,' is a response I usually hear when I tell people how much they could have made off the cryptocurrency if they had bought it at the start. Just to be clear, if you bought US$100 worth of Bitcoin in 2010 when it was worth 0.003 cents each, you’d be sitting on more than $88 million. It all sounds so easy.

But for regular investors in Bitcoin – those not heavily involved in the cryptocurrency world – Bitcoin has a confusing reputation. It’s known to be highly volatile with wild price swings, but at the same time some, such as Bobby Lee, the co-founder and chief executive of Bitcoin exchange BTCC, have called it a safe-haven asset. 'When the existing money system has problems, people turn to Bitcoin, sort of like people used to go to gold in the old days,' Mr Lee told CNBC in a recent interview. - While most in the crypto world believes Bitcoin is a currency, most of Wall Street and the rest of the mainstream financial world believes it to be a security.

And with more and more brokers and institutions starting to advocate its purchase and ownership of cryptos in personal and joint portfolios, the volatility will continue to be high, and everyone who owns a cryptocurrency must respect this and trade accordingly. On May 26, two gold backed cryptocurrencies commenced their Initial Coin Offerings (ICO), with differing results for each after the first day of trading. ZenGold, which is cryptocurrency model based on the sale and distribution of 100 million tokens that are each backed by physical gold bullion. Sold out its complete offering of 63 million coins in a single day. And one of the biggest reasons for the incredible success might have been the fact that ZenGold was allowing the use of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ether to be used in purchasing the tokens. In the meantime, Dubai's gold backed OneGram cryptocurrency had a much less successful beginning as their ICO started on the eve of Ramadan, and is set to continue all the way through the duration of the Islamic holiday (June 24).

And as of the end of Friday OneGram had sold only $430,000 worth of a $500 million offering. Announced at Consenus this week the world’s first Sharia-compliant, gold-backed digital currency. The company also announced details for its “OGC” token crowdsale which will begin at the onset of Ramadan. The Initial Coin Offer (ICO) will continue for 120 days. OneGram seeks to raise an astounding $500 million by selling more than 12+ million OGC tokens.

As of today, over $430,000 has been deposited, according to - Interestingly, there might have actually been a parallel to Bitcoin's $800-900 drop in price on Friday, as it is very possible that Asian investors either sold their Bitcoin to get into ZenGold's ICO, or used their Bitcoins directly in purchasing the new gold backed cryptocurrency. Friday May 26, 2017 launched a cryptocurrency backed by physical gold. Bitcoin and Etherum cryptocurrencies began moving violently in the market place on Friday May 26. ZenGold accepts Bitcoin and Ethereum as currency for the “tokens” of ZenGold. Would it make sense the drop in both Bitcoin and Ethereum as being related to people moving their cryptocurrencies into ZenGold? Asians love gold and with a gold backed cryptocurrency coming online that accepts the two most popular cryptocurrencies it makes to me that some of what we have seen over the past 48 hours is directly related to the launch of ZenGold.

Gold price ended today and this week trading above 1263.00 level, which confirms the continuation of the bullish trend in the upcoming sessions, waiting for more gains that reach to 1295.37 on the near term basis, reminding you that holding above 1249.94 is important to keep the chances of continuing the expected rise. - Ever since gold and silver prices were beat down severely in the early part of May with a record streak of in the white metal alone, gold has recovered more than $40 from its lows and is now overall positive for the month. But this has not been the only alternative monetary class to see positive gains in May as both silver and Bitcoin have done extremely well at the same time the dollar has fallen over 200 bps on the dollar index. With the extraordinary moves in price for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies since the beginning of the year, it was only a matter of time before their market caps began to compete with some of Wall Street's biggest companies.

However with the price more than doubling in just the past 20 days alone, an interesting fact has emerged that could soon shake the entire financial industry. Because as of May 26, the market cap of Bitcoin is now greater than that of Germany's largest financial institution Deutsche Bank. It is perhaps not as ironic as one would think that a completely virtual form of money would grow to have a larger global footprint than longstanding financial institutions that primarily deal in sovereign fiat currencies since the wealthiest industries today in regards to market cap are almost all tech companies listed on the S&P 500. And it is also a signal to economies that digital forms of money are quickly supplanting the long-standing paradigms of physical cash ownership, and could soon become the standard just as robots soon replace workers in any myriad of industries.

What if we started backing the value of cryptocurrency with some tangible commodity? How would that change the way we view this market?

Many of the innovative projects in the cryptosphere are based on the Ethereum Blockchain. One of these projects is called. It hopes bring the blockchain solutions of Ethereum into the world of business and have it fit seamlessly. For many who buy into the Cryptocurrency mindset, precious metals may only be worthwhile as the components of the miners and devices on which they access and operate within the Blockchain. However, the idea that some investments are not backed by anything tangible can be worrying, and an obstacle to entering the market.

Here is where Ethereum Link really stands out. It acts as the connection between the Blockchain and the international silver market. The project developers hope for it to become a large, but decentralized platform for trading silver certificates. Ethereum Link will use tokens as representations of various shares of silver bullion. Link’s LNK Silver project is crowd funded via their. The choice to crowd fund this helps keep the spirit of decentralization, while also providing the public to buy into this exciting new potential. At the time of writing this article, the ICO’s funds boasts an impressive 431.11 BTC (~ $1,062,638.72) which is the equivalent of just over 30,000 LNKs.

The exchange rate of one LNK is.01620 Bitcoin. LNK tokens being sold on the ICO receives 0.19% fee tradign as well. - Backing cryptocurrencies with physical assets such as gold and silver could be the springboard towards making decentralized digital money part of the mainstream, and one where a critical mass of individuals and businesses are willing to transition into this new frontier at a time when sovereign currencies are racing towards the bottom in a flight to devaluation and loss of purchasing power. It has not been difficult to figure out that as Asian economies have begun to show signs of recession and economic decline, the need for individuals and institutions to get out of their devaluing currencies is a must.

And by far the most liquid and primary asset in which most are going into over the past two months is Bitcoin. A week or so ago we published an article showing that, with most of these purchases being tied to institutional investors. However it appears that the push to $2300 less than seven days ago was just the tip of the iceberg as Asian buyers, especially in South Korea, have now propelled the price of Bitcoin to over $4500, or a near doubling in less than a week. The region has also been blossoming with startups dedicated to bitcoin remittance and financial tech advancement. The South Korean government has been very friendly towards digital currencies, and the country is steadily becoming a.

Just recently the government lowered the equity capital requirement for bitcoin companies working with remittances. The will begin on June 18 with a reduction of required capital to 1 billion KRW in contrast to the prior requirement of 2 billion KRW.

Additionally, researchers from the South Korean central bank recently that detailed that virtual currencies like bitcoin can “coexist with fiat.” 'The recent emergence of digital currency opens up a new type of dual currency regime in which digital currency, which has no intrinsic value and a government-issued fiat currency coexist,” explained the researchers from Seoul’s Hongik University and members of the Bank of Korea’s (BOK) report. The wide spreads are unprecedented even compared to other recently inflated markets such as, local exchange listing a price of 333,200 yen ($2980). On, one Bitcoin is currently selling for $2667.53 as of press time on Thursday. Users have presented as to why South Korea’s exchange market is so varied, these ranging from capital controls to en masse arbitrage and even a “debt-fuelled bubble” economy. Bitcoin itself, meanwhile, is continuing to produce new price highs, flying in the face of those that a new bubble has formed. The London gold price benchmark has been a fixture in the global markets for well over 100 years, but several key events over the past few have put it and the LBMA's control over determining the price of precious metals at risk. And this breakdown appears to be accelerating as in the past two months, four banks have left the coalition that determines the twice daily price, the entity that facilitated the benchmark auctions broke their contract with the LBMA two years early, and rumors that the exchange may be virtually out of gold are getting stronger every day.

London's gold benchmark experienced large, unpredictable fluctuations after some banks left the auction that sets the price relied upon by the $5 trillion-a-year bullion market, according to a Reuters analysis of trading data. The benchmark is meant to be a fair and accurate daily snapshot of the fast-moving 'spot' market and is used by gold producers and consumers around the world to price contracts.

Its level is set by the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) Gold Price auction, which sees big banks and brokers electronically input their trading orders, with an algorithm matching buyers to sellers and setting the price. But trading volumes fell sharply after April 10, when four of the 14 participating banks and brokers stopped taking part after the auction's administrator, Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), introduced a requirement to clear that meant participants had to modify their own IT systems and procedures. - Information on the lack of physical gold backstopping the LBMA Other than the paltry 5-7 tonnes of physical transacted on a big day in London, there is zero physical for sale of any size at current prices. However, there is strong physical buying, and competing central banks and sovereigns have learned to game the paper markets and are locking in spot gold and seeking delivery. This cannot last long. – This lack of supply coupled with a large number of bullion banks leaving the LBMA are in large part why we saw the historic and unprecedented beatdown of gold and silver prices starting in late April and commencing through the middle of May.

It is their recognition that the entire process could collapse because the curtain is being thrown open to the market's ponzi scheme that these banks desperately needed to cover their massive naked short contracts before revelations of zero liquidity cause the price to skyrocket in the future. In what bitcoin geeks undoubtedly interpreted as a sign of bitcoin’s renewed relevance now that its price is at all-time highs, Fidelity CEO Abigail Johnson told CoinDesk’s Consensus conference that her company is now in the business of mining bitcoin. “Ms Johnson noted that Fidelity has also set up a bank of computers built by 21 Inc that can crunch complex algorithms to be rewarded with bitcoin. “Mycomputer has mined over 200,000 satoshis,” she said, using the name for the smallest unit of Bitcoin. - In the halls of Wall Street, if there is money to be made then no irrelevant asset class or idea is discarded or looked upon as trivial. And if brokers across the spectrum really decide they want to financialize cryptocurrencies en masse, then regular individuals better be wary because the financial centers of the universe have the capital to buy it all up, and after that the real fun begins.

Bitcoin is often referred to as a “good” money because of its limited supply, relative fungibility and ease of exchange. If gold can also start to satisfy those requirements, a seismic shift from fiat to digital could be easier to “sell”—the public is predisposed to trust gold, certainly more so than cryptography. It could also open the door to the creation of a new global currency as an alternative to the dollar, something that Russia and China are rumored to be looking. We sure do live in interesting times—and it is not all that far-fetched to think that OneGram, or another gold-backed crypto currency like it, could be a stealthy way to introduce a new global gold standard. US Congresswoman Kathleen Rice has introduced a bill tasking Homeland Security with conducting a threat assessment for terrorists using virtual currencies such as Bitcoin, despite evidence terrorist groups use such payment methods is scant.

A cybersecurity expert has told Sputnik the real fear is Bitcoin supplanting national currencies. 'We will see an increase in terrorist groups using it as more and more members of the public use it. More people know about it, more and more websites accept it as a payment method, it's becoming increasingly pervasive in the digital world. It can be used for good or bad, but I hope it'll become a universal currency. There is no central authority with Bitcoin — no banks or financial organizations control it, the people who own it do — and users can bypass a lot of financial services fees as a result,' he adds.

Curran believes there's 'no doubt' Bitcoin will be the currency of the internet in years to come. It will become more regulated, and politicians will progressively view it as a threat to mainstream financial institutions and currencies as it becomes further accepted.

Moreover, he's certain it'll be difficult if not impossible for governments to truly put a stop to it — the internet has no borders, and national bans won't be effective. For all intents and purposes, nearly every war is a 'banker war', or the need for the U. Dash DASH Mining Warehouse more. S. To ensure that dollar hegemony reigns supreme over the global financial system. And when you look at the true underlying reasons behind the ousters of Libya's Muhmmar Ghaddfi, and Iraq's Suddam Hussein, and the insurgencies of Ukraine and Syria, then you would find that every one of them either had to do with protecting the dollar as the global reserve currency, or protecting the petrodollar system that is being supplanted by Russia's new pipeline projects. Thus anyone who doesn't believe that as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies rise in both popularity and use that the U.S. Government will not take steps to ensure their failure or encapsulation, is someone who has not paid attention to history and the willingness of Washington to use any means necessary to protect their monetary dominion over the rest of the world.

In today's world, if all markets were freely traded then fundamentals and technicals would actually mean something to traders and investors. However, with most major banks having been found guilty over the past five years of rigging almost every market, and the Federal Reserve assuring that equity markets will never go down any real extent due to trillions in cheap money, the once long-standing indicators of bullish and bearish sentiments are only relevant to the most ardent of investors. But with that being said there are still thousands of analysts and traders who rely heavily upon technical analysis to make investing decisions and forecast market direction for a given asset class. And on May 22 one of these technicals moved positive after weeks of price declines to have once again achieved the signal of a golden cross. And the asset which has signaled this bullish sentiment and technical move is gold. “Anons, I work in D.C. I know for certain that the Seth Rich case has scared the shit out of certain high ranking current and former Democratic Party officials.

This is the reason why they have backed away from impeachment talk. They know the smoking gun is out there, and they’re terrified you will find it, because when you do it will bring the entire DNC, along with a couple of very big name politicians. It appears that certain DNC thugs were not thorough enough when it came time to cover their tracks. Podesta saying he wanted to “make an example of the leaker” is a huge smoking gun.” The post went on to claim that a 'smoking gun in this case is out of the hands of the conspirators' which has resulted in near 'open panic' in DC circles. “The behavior is near open panic. To even mention this name in D.C. Circles [sic] will bring you under automatic scrutiny.

To even admit that you have knowledge of this story puts you in immediate danger. If there was no smoke there would be no fire. I have never, in my 20 years of working in D.C. Seen [sic] such a panicked reaction from anyone. I have strong reason to believe that the smoking gun in this case is out o [sic] the hands of the conspirators, and will be discovered by anon. I know for certain that Podesta is deeply concerned. He’s been receiving anonymous calls and emails from people saying they know the truth. Same with Hillary.”.

When Satoshi wrote his back in 2008 regarding the creation of a money form that would be secure and outside the control of sovereign entities, the underlying premise was that it would not only change the way commerce was conducted, but also provide the common person a means to store their wealth in an asset that was absent of monetary devaluation. And while it took about five to six years for Bitcoin to move away from the fringe of society, where it was half seen as a novelty and half seen as the savior from the world's fiat monetary system, its sudden emergence into the mainstream has been incredibly robust and unlike anything ever seen in monetary history.

But as we enter into the second quarter of 2017, what was originally intended for the masses to be used as a medium of exchange has suddenly turned into a speculative investment that is being lapped up by the very institutions that would see it financialized instead of used as a real currency. And the massive rise in value over just the past five months is threatening to categorize the cryptocurrency as a bubble, and scare away many individuals who might seek an alternative to the dollar, euro, or yen as a way to secure their wealth. Bitcoin price established its new all-time high at $2,087 earlier today after surging past its previous all-time high set at $2,050, with demand toward Bitcoin rising from institutional investors in the US, Japan and South Korea. At the time of writing, Bitcoin is being traded in Japan and South Korea, the second and third largest Bitcoin exchange markets in the world, at around $2,350, at an 11 percent premium relative to the global average Bitcoin price and the price listed by US-based Bitcoin exchanges. Analysts including Charles Hayter, the CEO of CryptoCompare, explained that the Japanese and South Korean Bitcoin exchange markets played a key role as the driving factor of Bitcoin’s recent price surge.

In an interview with CNBC, Hayter: 'Arbitrage between the fiat pairs drags markets up or down in line with leading markets. At present, volumes on the KRW and JPY pairs dominate trading with a combined 48 percent market share.” - From a purely fundamental point of view, investors and owners of Bitcoin need to realize that the market is treating the cryptocurrency like a security, and at a time when nearly all other assets such as bonds, stocks, and real estate are at all time highs.

And one of the reasons that Bitcoin is skyrocketing in price and value right now is because institutional players are moving money into what they believe is one of the very few potentially undervalued assets. But like with any security or investment that receives too much buying in a short amount of time in relation to selling, at some point it will hit terminal velocity, and the fall in price will be just as fast as the velocity in which it rose. ZenGold, a project developed on Metaverse Blockchain, announces its ICO campaign on Friday, May 26, 2017 3:00 PM (GMT+8). ZenGold aims to create crypto assets that are backed by physical gold in order to enable investors to instantly buy and transfer even a very small fraction of gold anywhere in the world while having pertinent asset information securely stored onto an unalterable Metaverse Blockchain. The ICO will last for 15 days. The closing date is Friday, June 9, 2017 3:00 PM (GMT+8). The total number of 63.000.000 ZGC tokens will be distributed within the campaign (if the set sum is achieved before the closing date, the campaign will end before June 9).

BTC, ETH, ETC and ETP will be accepted during ICO campaign. The “Early bird” bonuses (up to 20%) will be announced by ZenGold for those contributing at the early stages of ICO. ZGC tokens will enable its holders to use gold as an effective payment mechanism and credit system while benefiting from the transactional functionalities of Blockchain technology. The gold-backed tokens will be minted into existence only by the purchase of an actual gold. Thus 1 ZGC token will always represent the ownership of 1 gram of the physical gold securely stored in Shanghai Gold Exchange. The developing team has set its sights on establishing ZGC token as a better alternative to the traditional form of storing value and making a strong case for reshaping the financial service industry in the future.

By providing efficient governance and security strategy as well as clear business vision, ZenGold invites the investors to become early holders of ZGC tokens. Those interested can invest via three different channels: (accepting payments in BTC, ETP and ETH). (accepting payments in BTC and ETH). (accepting payments in BTC). One of the biggest debates in recent weeks as the value of Bitcoin skyrockets to nearly $2000 per coin is whether the crypto-currency is really a medium of exchange, or simply a security that allows one to store their wealth in a decentralized digital wallet. And while the argument has been strongly on the side of it being a security thanks to Chinese and Japanese investors using it simply as a way to find an alternative to their own devaluing currencies, on May 19 a British company is pulling Bitcoin back onto the currency side of the ledger by allowing its use at all 27 UK airports for extraneous payments such as short and long-term parking.

SkyParkSecure, an airport parking provider in the United Kingdom, is now accepting bitcoin for payments at a number of airports across the region in cities including London, Liverpool, Glasgow and Belfast. Are you a frequent flier in and around the UK? A parking provider will now take your bitcoin. SkyParkSecure will automatically convert the fiat pricing of a parking ticket into Bitcoin for quicker and seamless payments directly from your cryptocurrency wallet. Based in the North-West of England in Blackpool, SkyParkSecure doesn’t own or operate car parks but acts as a booking platform for airport parking and a host of other travel services including hotels and lounges.

The parking provider claims to have facilitated over 1.6 million bookings on its website and ropes in customers with discounted rates. Now, SkyParkSecure has laid claim to becoming the first independent UK travel company to accept bitcoin for airport parking.

Bitcoin traded for just over $1,000 on 1st January, but has edged up sharply amid increasing media exposure for its technology and those in the wider blockchain tech sector. Indeed, on at least two exchanges – Poloniex and Bitfinex – the price was even hovering just over $1,960. Year-over-year, the price of bitcoin is up 300%, having risen to $1,900, up from $453 on 18th May, 2016. At press time, bitcoin's market capitalization (the value of all bitcoins in existence) was $31bn. - Bitcoin's meteoric rise has also helped increase the price and market cap of nearly all other crypto-currencies, such as with Etherium which has risen 1700% also since the beginning of the year. With yesterday's nearly 2% move up in the gold price, coupled with a.5% pullback on May 18, the yellow metal has been the primary driver for precious metal prices moving higher since last Thursday when the historic beatdown of the metals in the paper markets appeared to end. And because gold has been rising much faster than its sister metal silver during this recent bounce back move, the gold to silver ratio has subsequently jumped to over 75:1, which is the highest difference between the metals since May of last year. Last week we published an article where we showed that gold and silver prices had likely bottomed out after their historic 17 straight days of closing lower in the markets.

And sure enough since that time gold and silver have been moving steadily up over the past five days. And as always it took just one political event to spur a solid move higher in the prices of the metals as on May 17 gold opened up over 1.5% to cross back over an important technical level of $1250, and silver regained the $17 level with its own nearly 1% gain. Following last weekend's Belt and Road Forum, Yaroslav Lissovolik, the Chief Economist for the Eurasian Development Bank, stated that the Silk Road project will have the power to wean member nations off the dollar, and allow countries to use their own currencies in direct bi-lateral trade. Ironically for the U.S., who desperately needs the rest of the world to continue using dollars as the global reserve currency, their rejection of joining in with the Belt and Road initiative could actually hasten their downfall as the project will provide the perfect opportunity for a critical mass of de-dollarization.

According to chief economist of the Eurasian Development Bank Yaroslav Lissovolik, the implementation of the project will help to reduce the dependence on the US dollar and increase the role of the national currencies in Eurasian countries. 'The implementation of such a megaproject could be used to increase the role of national currencies, contribute to the de-dollarization of the countries in Eurasia and reduce their dependence on the US dollar. In addition, it could help increase the role of other currencies, especially those of emerging markets,' the expert during a conference, organized by Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency. According to Lissovolik, the initiative could help create 'new reserve currencies and strengthen the yuan as a reserve currency in international financial relations.'

'This issue is very important, because it gives a chance to partially affect the financial architecture of Eurasia,' he said. The African nation of Zimbabwe has long been the poster child of fiat currency failures.

It first began when Mugabe hyper-inflated their 'dollar' in the late 1990's, and then was followed by the country simply going on a U.S. Dollar standard that failed during the years leading up to, and following the 2008 financial crisis. Then more recently Zimbabwe has tried to tether their currency to the RMB with limited results. So after three failed attempts to stabilize their monetary system over a 20 year period it appears that President Mugabe is now considering a return to a gold standard, and could be the first country in over 45 years to back their money with precious metals.

Government is working on a plan to establish a gold reserve set to anchor the introduction of a local currency when the right time comes for the return to the Zimdollar, it has been learnt. This comes at a time when the country is grappling with cash shortages and economists believe the issuance of a gold backed local currency would help stimulate economic activity. Modelled around the $200 million Afreximbank facility, which is backing the current bond notes in circulation, economists believe the local currency will ease liquidity challenges and stimulate aggregate demand. Plans to create a gold reserve involve investing in the efficient operations of Government's gold mining firms, including Sabi, Elvington and Jena gold mines. There is a reason why the equity markets are known as the 'risk trade', because no one truly knows if a particular stock or company will succeed or fail before these stocks become spoken of regularly in the mainstream. In fact one of the key indicators of a stock's success is often whether it gets picked up by mutual fund managers as part of their clients investment or retirement portfolios.

Yet outside of bonds and real estate, virtually any investment can be labeled as a risk trade, especially in this era where fundamentals and technicals no longer play a significant role in their future price. And unfortunately for the average Joe investor, they rarely receive the proper guidance or advice about potential life-changing investments from their broker unless that professional has a personal stake in a particularly risky investment scheme.

And because of this, the majority of individuals missed out on perhaps one of the best investments of all time when the price was sitting at approximately.09 back in 2010. And what was that investment opportunity that has seen its price rise from just.09 to just under $1800 per?

The answer of course is Bitcoin. On May 13, StockTwits, the world’s largest financial communications platform for the investing community, revealed one of its users’ growth chart comparing various currencies, bonds and assets. In it, a StockTwits user by the name of Charlie Bilello noted that a $10,000 investment in Bitcoin made in July 2010 would have earned investors a $200 mln return. To be exact, a who purchased $10,000 worth of Bitcoin in 2010 would have earned $201.56 mln. - Assuming an individual had invested $10,000 back in 2010, they would have been able to purchase approximately 114,793 Bitcoins. And with today's current price at around $1754, that would equate to an estimated value of $201,560,000, or 20,156x roi (return on investment). Now compare this to what is considered to be the top all-time ROI of 1300x when John Grey invested $10,500 into the fledgling Ford Motor Company in 1903 and you can see this example pales in return to what someone who invested a similar amount in Bitcoin today would have earned.

In the end it is nice to dream about the what ifs when it comes to missing out on a diamond in the rough, but the fact of the matter is very few actually saw the potential of Bitcoin during the first few years of its existence. But for those who did, and who did not sell a few years back when it had its first big jump to just over $1100 per bitcoin, it has become a lucrative and life changing investment with an even greater potential now of succeeding into the future. Yet at $1745 per Bitcoin today, who has the stomach or the available cash to invest in it now that it is once again near its all-time high? Thus it remains as it was back in 2010. A risk trade with great potential for massive gains, or massive losses. Despite all the hoopla of crypto-currencies like Bitcoin being the potential future of money, the fact of the matter is they are no different than nearly all other currencies except that they will be limited in production, and outside the control of governments and central banks.

And it is this caveat of being a fiat based currency (backed by nothing) that could find gold backed digital money a more favorable choice for individuals to own. Last week we wrote about a being created in the country of Dubai, which is pretty certain to be backed by real gold since they are required to follow the new standards laid out by the Sharia Finance Council back in December. And on May 11 the Chicago Mercantile Exchange has now joined in the movement to put gold and silver on the Blockchain when they signed an agreement with the British Royal Mint to create their own gold backed currency that is expected to also be tied directly to physical gold. Because of its scarcity, portability, divisibility and current valuation, many people are calling bitcoin the modern 'digital gold.' And like gold, bitcoin seems to be establishing itself as a popular store of value. But now CME Group, one of the world's largest providers of gold futures contracts, wants to bring real, physical gold to a blockchain-based asset, and it has landed a big partnership with the U.K.' S Royal Mint.

By any standard, CME Group is a juggernaut in the world of high finance. Handling approximately $1 quadrillion worth of derivatives contracts annually, it is an influential player in the global gold market. And having roots in commodity trading since 1898, it is no stranger to the challenges of an evolving marketplace. Which is why the company has now set its sights on blockchain technology. According to a blog post by Sandra Ro, CME Group's head of digitization, the new asset will be a token known as RMG (Royal Mint Gold), and backed by physical gold in the Royal Mint vaults. Currently being tested for security and speed, RMG will allow instant transfers of gold to anyone anywhere in the world.

And, Ro insists, it will bring a new era of accountability and gold-trading standards, saying, 'There is no rehypothecation, there is no lending on that gold, and there will be enough physical gold to represent all the RMGs that are issued.' With an initial launch planned for summer of this year, The Royal Mint plans to back the token with up to $1 billion in physical gold bullion. As countries like Japan and Australia rush to embrace crypto-currencies like Bitcoin into their economic and monetary systems, one nation that has lived in poverty and in the shadows of a strong economic power is looking at creating their own sovereign crypto-currency as a means to break away from Israel's hegemony over them.

The Palestinian government, and in particular their Monetary Authority, on May 12 announced that they are looking at a Bitcoin type solution to function as their primary currency for the future. Palestinian officials are planning for the territory to have its own digital-only currency within five years, a move designed to safeguard against potential Israeli interference, the head of the Palestine Monetary Authority (PMA) told Reuters. Palestinians have no currency of their own and use the euro, U.S. Dollar, Israeli shekel and Jordanian dinar in their daily lives.

But with limited control over money supply and ultimately, inflation, authorities are mulling a bitcoin-style solution, Azzam Shawwa said. 'That is something we would like to see,' Shawwa said. 'It will be called the Palestinian pound.'

Shawwa spoke to Reuters on the sidelines of the annual meeting in Cyprus of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The EBRD said during the meeting it would start investing in the West Bank and Gaza via donations The PMA says on its website that it aimed to become a 'full-fledged and modern central bank' for an independent Palestine. But it is unclear how the planned e-pound would skirt the 1994 Paris Protocol agreement which gave the PMA the functions of a central bank but without the ability to issue currency.

The protocol recommended the use of the shekel and gave Israel an effective veto over a Palestinian currency. There are practical reason why Palestinians might consider a digital currency. The authority has no money-printing facilities of its own so all cash and coins currently come in from elsewhere.

'If we print currency, to get it into the country you would always need clearance from the Israelis and that could be an obstacle,' Shawwa said. 'So that is why we don't want to go into it.' The recent beatdown in the prices of both gold and silver has been relatively historic as up until Thursday, the metals had seen 14-17 straight days of declines. And the reasons for this have been a combination of fewer buyers, negative sentiment, and massive short covering. Bullion banks used this demise in sentiment as the means to smash down the price using tens of thousands of naked short contracts, and relied upon the predicted reactions of commercial buyers to close out their long positions when margins grew too high. And once prices fell below not only the recent achievement of their 200 day moving average but also their 100 day MA, these banks began covering their shorts en masse leading to what appears to be a bottom for the metals at around $1215 for gold, and $16.25 for silver.

In the gold sphere there are a ton of different analysts making predictions on where the price of gold is going in light of the Fed's half-decade long policies of quantitative easing, and near zero interest rates. And of the more well known and popular analysts on either side of the fence, the one who stands out the most on the bearish side of gold is none other than Harry Dent. Harry Dent is an economist who specializes in trends and demographics, and has a better than average track record of success in many areas of his analysis. However he became the butt of many criticisms when a few years back he publicly predicted that the price of gold was going down to below $700 an ounce, and likely to reach around $250 before beginning a trend back up. And the primary premises for his bearish outlook for gold? That assets were going to hit a deflationary cycle and that gold is more of a commodity than it is money.

So with Dent's analysis out there for all to see in hear, it was not surprising that someone in the gold industry would take his forecasts as a challenge and seek to put Harry on the spot for his future price predictions. And that someone was Jeff Clark from, and an associate of the site's founder Mike Maloney.

So what was the bet you might ask? Well it was fairly straight forward. Within two years time of the agreed upon bet, the price of gold itself would determine who won. And if it crossed below $700 (or very close to that number) anytime intra-day or closing, then Harry Dent would be considered the winner.

If it did not, and of course we know that it never even dropped to three figures during that period, then Jeff Clark was determined the winner. And the prize? A single ounce of gold. Two years ago I bet economist Harry Dent an ounce of gold that the price wouldn’t fall to his prediction of $750/ounce.

He had made some noise in the gold community that year about how gold was going to crater. He advised selling your gold and buying dollars.

He even stated that $750 wasn’t the stopping point, that the price would fall to as low as $250. I couldn’t pass it up.

I wrote an open letter to him, citing why I thought he was wrong, and offered to bet him a one-ounce gold Eagle. I even raised the target to $800 and gave his prediction two full years to come to fruition. My bet was a bold one at the time if you remember early 2015, the gold price had been falling for two years, and showed little sign of stabilizing. Almost no one thought the bottom was in. Market participants had been decimated.

Gold showed some life in January that year, but by the time we finalized our agreement in March the price had fallen another 12%. It dropped below $1,100 that summer, and by December hit $1,049. My wager was not looking so good.

But gold never fell to $800—never even cracked three figures. And yes, he paid up. (He kept his word and sent me a check for the proceeds, including a little extra for a purchase premium; you may not agree with his predictions, but this speaks highly of his character). On May 11 Zhou Xiaochuan, a governor for the central bank of China, penned an article in which he emphasized that one of the key roles and purposes during the Silk Road construction is to accommodate loans and financing between member nations along the route using of their own bi-lateral currencies. Citing the fact that having to use the dollar as a medium of exchange between different currencies is a hindrance to efficiency and would play a factor in causing currency instability and fluctuations, the representative of the central bank noted that the creation of this global trade route should not, and will not be simply a one-way street in which decisions are made through a singular authority. China's central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan said using local currencies for Belt and Road investments and financing will help reduce exchange rate fluctuations and ensure financial stability in those nations.

Countries along the Belt and Road routes should promote financial connectivity to optimize resource allocation and provide a long-term and reliable backing for regional constructions, Zhou wrote in an article published on Thursday in the central bank's biweekly magazine China Finance. 'Investment and financing shouldn't be understood as one-way support. The initiative is to build a common community with risk and benefit sharing through extensive consultation and joint contribution,' he wrote. The infrastructural projects should be market oriented and ensure sustainability, the governor of the People's Bank of China (PBOC) noted.

'China has explored a way of development financing.' Zhou cited the China Development Bank as a good example in integrating resources, bridging the state with market and operating independently from government subsidy. - Sputnik News. On May 10 the Arizona state legislature completed its approval of Bill 2014 which removes the state taxation on the sale and purchase of physical gold and silver. This move is also the first step by the state to once again recognize gold and silver as Constitutional money, and to begin the process towards one day allowing the precious metals to be used in commerce within its borders. Arizona also joins Utah, Idaho, Texas, Oklahoma, and Virginia in either proposing or passing legislation to work towards the legalization of gold and silver as money.

Sound money advocates scored a major victory today when the Arizona state senate voted 16-13 to remove all income taxation of precious metals at the state level. Verge XVG Mining Business Model on this page. The measure heads to Governor Doug Ducey, who is expected to sign it into law. Under House Bill 2014, introduced by Representative Mark Finchem (R-Tucson), Arizona taxpayers will simply back out all precious metals “gains” and “losses” reported on their federal tax returns from the calculation of their Arizona adjusted gross income (AGI). Ron Paul noted, “HB 2014 is a very important and timely piece of legislation.

The Federal Reserve’s failure to reignite the economy with record-low interest rates since the last crash is a sign that we may soon see the dollar’s collapse. It is therefore imperative that the law protect people’s right to use alternatives to what may soon be virtually worthless Federal Reserve Notes.”. The London Metal Exchange (LME) will submit a proposal to take over the London silver fix, a senior executive said on Wednesday, the first company to publicly express interest in replacing the current operators of the price benchmark.

James Proudlock, managing director and head of market development for the exchange and its clearing business, said the exchange would take part in the process after a request for proposals (RFP) was recently issued to find a replacement for CME Group and Thomson Reuters. Those companies said in March they would step down from providing the silver price benchmark auction less than three years after successfully bidding to provide the process. 'There is a silver RFP for the silver benchmark. As a metal exchange, we will participate in the RFP,' said Proudlock. - China already controls the world's largest physical gold market out of the Shanghai Gold Exchange and this potential takeover of the West's futures market could see the Far Eastern economy achieve a dominating position in both the paper and physical global markets. It took barely 48 hours for Bitcoin to jump from $1600 per coin to over $1700, but that is exactly what took place as of this morning on May 9.

But at the same time there was an interesting caveat that also took place that begs the question of whether Bitcoin should be considered the best performing currency to date in 2017, or instead the best performing security (investment). If Bitcoin is supposed to be a currency that runs in competition to the dollar, yen, euro, etc., then by all monetary logic it should be moving in opposition to each individual currency that it is priced in.

However when Bitcoin jumped to over $1700 earlier today, it did so when the dollar had strengthened by over 100 bps on the dollar index, meaning that it was moving in tandem, rather than in opposition to the dollar. Those are the actions of a security rather than than a currency. Bitcoin Chart. Another interesting thing to ponder is who exactly is buying Bitcoin right now? We know from public reports that investors/entrepreneurs like the Winklevoss Twins own between $10 - 25 million worth of Bitcoin as they bid to put the crypto-currency into a financialized ETF, and Billionaire Michael Novogratz has stated that he has put 10% of more of his wealth into both Bitcoin and Ether coin. So perhaps the question that has to be asked is not if Bitcoin is a currency versus an investment, but what is the market itself saying Bitcoin is based on its price movement, and how it is relating to all the world's currencies it is denominated against.

The cryptocurrencies offered the world disruption and path breaking solutions that would transform the face of multiple industries and consequently the world as we view today. While the digital assets are making inroads into various sectors, their underlying technology – ‘Blockchain Technology,’ has proven its worth in multiple verticals in quick time. However, the ledger based technology proponents are yet to realize the full potential and applications of the technology.

To explore these possibilities and simplify day to day activities, Viewfin.com – a Chinese company, is introducing Metaverse – the first ever public blockchain in China. Metaverse aims to enable blockchain-based digital asset management – even more fundamentally, a blockchain-based system for managing our digital lives. Let’s dive into the details of how Metaverse is planning to do so. What is Metaverse? Metaverse is a decentralized world that redefines digital identities and smart assets through blockchain technology.

Within the peer to peer network reside universally unique and self-sovereign identities, which will primarily power all decentralized applications or smart contracts coming afterward. The project imagines a blockchain in which people, organizations, institutions can transact with each other. To authenticate the digital asset transactions on the blockchain, Metaverse plans to introduce intermediaries called Oracle. In essence, Metaverse aims to be the Chinese substitute for Ethereum where the intermediaries will be parties whose vested interest lies in the kind of transaction taking place over the public blockchain. This vision revolves around a couple key insights: • A digital-asset blockchain needs more types of transactions than contracts.’ The language isn’t business-friendly and the approach feels like a pidgeon-holing of unique transactions into general-purpose business logic.

Metaverse doesn’t have a pre-defined set of transactions types, but it intends to be flexible. • Digital asset transactions need intermediaries on the blockchain. It shouldn’t push them away – it should embrace the trust that their presence confers. Oracles are a form of intermediary, and Metaverse will encourage intermediaries–such as banks, government agencies, foundations, or even individuals–to register as oracles. • For a digital asset blockchain to be successful in China, it must be based in China.

The Chinese government has supported Chinese versions of many popular successful businesses based outside of China: Baidu instead of Google, WeChat instead of Facebook, Alibaba instead of Amazon. Metaverse aims to be the Chinese substitute of Ethereum. The blockchain protocol itself is still being finalized. It will be its own public blockchain.

Consensus in the first year after launch will be through proof-of-work mining. The current plan is to transition the blockchain to a delegated proof-of-stake model after this, but the team will wait to see how Ethereum handles its own transition to proof-of-stake in early 2017. The Three Pillars of Metaverse Avatars (Digital Identity) Through having your Avatar, you have your digital passport to the virtual world where an Avatar can be managed by a physical person or artificial intelligence. It is allowed to own several digital assets. There is a many to many relationship in Metaverse where digital assets can also be owned by many Avatars. Digital assets Digital assets + Digital identities= Internet of Value.

In Metaverse digital assets represents any category of asset that is in the digital form. As digital assets can represent anything, this gives power to communities to value whatever they want. We are moving towards an age that cannot only transfer money but also transfer value. Oracles In Metaverse intermediary institutions (Oracles) are invited on-chain. Viewfin believes that intermediaries will still play an important role in the future.

As of today, critical thinking and logic are not programmable. We still need the intervention of intermediaries to apply sound judgment and verify our actions.

The Metaverse ecosystem will rely on Oracles to ensure that all information shared, stored and provided by the members of the Metaverse community is true and reliable. Metaverse ETP (ETP) Token Overview: Current coin Value: $3.68 Market Cap: $83,199,414 Total Supply: 52,244,767 ETP Circulating Supply: 22,600,000 ETP Max Supply: 100,000,000 ETP The token being sold is Entropy, the token that will power Metaverse. It will be similar to Ether. It will be used to register assets, pay fees, establish identity as an Oracle, and value assets on the blockchain. There are 100,000.000 ETPs in total. It is divisible into 10″ =0.g like Bitcoin. And it is transferable on Metaverse blockchain and secured by ECDSA (elliptic curve digital signature algorithm).

The Entropy is NOT claim to be a form of digital currency; rather it is the equity of Metaverse. As a result, the price of ETP won’t pegged to any flat or crypto currencies, including Bitcoin.

The Entropy could be used to measure value of smart properties in Metaverse. Or used as a collateral in financial transactions. And the ETP will be used whenever system fees are applied. Creating a new Smart Property, register a new Avatar, or apply to become an Oracle. Microinflation The Entropy is the equity of a DAO (Democratic Autonomous Organization), namely The Metaverse.

It is NOT a currency, it shouldn’t have inflation at all, but, tokens are always lost for various of reasons, accidents, carelessness, or death. 196 of annual lost rate was predicated by Vitalik Buterin in white paper.

To provide sufficient liquidity and to accommodate more smart properties on Metaverse, a micro-inflationary linear issuance scheme is designed. 4 Million ETPs will be added to the circulation each year after the end of POW phase. The initial inflation rate will be 4% annually and trend down gradually towards 1% lost rate Vitalik predicted. Launch dynamics of Entropy and its performance The Metaverse ICO started on Sept. 5th, 2016, distributed Entropy tokens (ETP) for the investors. 15 – 30 million were distributed during the first ICO, and another 15 – 30 million will be distributed in another ICO after the Metaverse wallet and blockchain are complete. The remaining ETP will be distributed through the proof-of-work mining process.

What are the terms? Bitcoin: For BTC, the price for Entropy is 6000 ETP/bitcoin.

The Bitcoin address listed for participating is 16LHvZ11XRsVFkzmD64g11mrfvjzyToDn9. CNY: People can participate with Chinese Yuan with access to the following price tiers, based on how much is contributed. The price tiers also confer additional benefits on the Metaverse platform. Alternately, you can participate through Bizhongchu, an ICO platform in China. The Metaverse Wallet Private Key Thanks to deterministic wallet technology, a user can easily restore her wallet without needing any information and create public addresses without using a private key. Customed Asset The wallet allows the customer to create his own assets from the Metaverse platform and to access all the assets created from the same place.

ETP Address The customer is allowed to create as many ETP addresses as she wants and can conveniently transfer her ETPs. Exchanges OpenLedger ApS Danish Blockchain Company, ApS, has signed a Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement with, the market leader in Blockchain technology and the developer of Metaverse™, the first public Blockchain in China. This enabled the trading of entropy tokens on the OpenLedger decentralized exchange (DEX). Currently, at the time of writing this post, each Entropy is being valued a little over $5. Who is the team behind the project? The founder of Metaverse is Eric Gu, an entrepreneur and thought leader in China.

He was a co-founder of other blockchain projects, including viewfin.com. ViewFin™ is a market leader in Blockchain technology in China. ViewFin™ has assembled together a team of domestic and international specialists from various industries such as the financial, internet, consulting and Blockchain industries to implement future Fintech applications. Eric is also the main translator of China’s first Blockchain book “Blueprint for a New Economy“. With better innovation on Metaverse platform and the impending disruptive projects, the platform surely has a bright future ahead.

ETP calculator: etp = ETP price: 1 ETP = 1.82000000 USD 1 ETP = 1.46000000 EUR 1 ETP = 0.00021910 BTC.