Why Does ZClassic ZCL Need Miners

Why Does ZClassic ZCL Need Miners

In this guide we will be mining Zclassic (ZCL) with Nvidia GPUs and mining it from the mining pool Luckpool. Mining Zclassic with EWBF’s Cuda Miner – What you’ll need To mine Zcash with EWBF’s Cuda Miner you will need: • A GPU Mining Rig (with Nvdia GPUs) running Windows or Linux • A Zclassic wallet to deposit your mined ZCL into If you’re new to mining and interested in building a mining rig, check out our guide. The 3-part tutorial walks through the complete building of a mining rig from hardware through BIOS and operating system settings. Step 1: Download and install EWBF’s CUDA miner If you already have EWBF’s CUDA miner you can skip this step. If not, follow along as we download version 0.3.4b from the git repository. • Visit the repository on github • Download the version (Windows or Linux) for for your operating system.

No Founders Tax. All mining rewards in Zclassic go directly to the miners, while in Zcash the founders take 20% of the rewards for the first 4 years leading to 10% control of the entire monetary supply.

Why Does ZClassic ZCL Need Miners

• Zec.miner.0.3.4b.zip for Windows • Zec.miner.0.3.4b.Linux.Bin.tar.gz for Linux • if you want to compile the miner yourself, download the most recent version of the source code for your operating system. • Uncompress the archive you downloaded somewhere easy to get to • If you opted for the uncompiled binaries, compile them now Step 2: Review a Zclassic batch file for starting the miner We’ll be starting EWBF’s CUDA miner with a batch file. A batch files is a text file that instructs the computer to launch the miner with specific settings.

Batch files can be created an edited with any text editor. For Linux users, you’ll be creating a.cmd file. Our batch file for mining Zclassic at Luckpool This is a batch files that we use to mine on one of our Windows mining rigs. We’ve formatted the file the way it needs to be – in a single line. You can scroll back-and-forth if you need to.

Below we’ll go through each setting. Miner --server luckpool.org --user t1QaW97ojpxMCY5peLZhMakyna4jSCTtPCd.GODZILLA --pass z --port 3557 --api --tempunits C --templimit 75 --r 60 --log Two minus signs indicate a variables or settings for the mining software.

The text that follows is the value to be used. Variable What it is --server The URL of the Zclassic mining server --port The server port for mining Zcash --user The Zclassic wallet address, a period, and the name of your mining rig --pass Password is not used by Luckpool, but a value is required. We use a ‘z’ --api (optional) No value required --templimit (optional) Instructs the miner to stop any card mining above the temperature indicated --tempunits (optional) Specifies if temperature units should be expressed in F or C --r (optional) Tells the miner to automatically restart by the value in minutes --log (optional) Stores a local log of the miner’s activity In order to mine Zclassic you will need to include all non-optional settings and values in your.bat file. Optional EWBF settings Here’s what the optional settings do: • –api – Adding this to the batch file allows you to monitor the miner’s progress with a web browser • –tempunits – We set our temperature unit to Celsius to correlate with our overclocking software • –r – We’ve unfortunately found that EWBF crashes randomly, regardless of our overclocking. –rr 60 forces the miner to restart every hour (60 minutes) • –log – By specifying –log, EWBF’s CUDA miner generates a log file in the same folder as EWBF’s CUDA Miner. Log files are invaluable if you find yourself experiencing frequent issues mining. Step 3: Configure the miner with your settings Settings for Zclassic mining at Luckpool To get started mining ZCL all you’ll need to do is update the settings in your.bat file: • Based on the size of your mining operation, note the port numbers below • Single GPU: 3556 • Multiple GPUs: 3557 • In the folder containing EWBF’s Cuda Zcash Miner, create a memorable file name such as start_ZCL_luckpool.bat.

If your are on Linux, your file extension will be.cmd as opposed to.bat. • Open the file you just created in a text editor.. • Copy the entire line below that starts with ‘miner’ • Paste it into you file making the following changes: • change YOURPORT to the port from step 1 • update YOURWALLET to your Zclassic wallet address • set YOURRIG to the name of the mining rig you’re setting EWBF to mine ZCL for • Save the file miner --server luckpool.org --port YOURPORT --user YOURWALLET.YOURRIG --pass z --api Step 4: Start mining You’re ready to start mining Zclassic on Luckpool! • Double-click the file we just edited in Step 3 • A window will appear showing the miner’s progress as it connects to Luckpool and starts mining Zclassic.

In Windows it will look like the image above. • That’s it, you’re mining Zclassic from Luckpool with EWBF’s Cuda Miner! • To check your mining progress at Luckpool. • Change the cryptocurreny to Zclassic, then enter your Zclassic wallet address in the top right corner of the page.

Finally, click the magnifying glass to find your miner. • Since we included –api you can monitor the miner with a web browser as opposed to the command/terminal window. On the mining rig, navigate to in a web browser.

Rules of the road for the MiningPoolHub: • Do not violate any of Reddit's site wide rules. • This sub is dedicated to MiningPoolHub's service and nothing else. Ps3 Hshare HSR Mining. If you are beginning to get into mining, go to as a great place to get started. • Make your title in posts specific (e.g.

How do I setup auto exchange? Or My rig has 6 different GPUs, will MultiPoolMiner work on it?). • No spamming or selling equipment, or anything else for that matter. • If you want to discuss specific coins, please go to the sub that discusses it. • Other than that, welcome to this sub.

Why choose MiningPoolHub over NiceHash? The concise answer to this question, is that NiceHash (NH) has a 4% fee for those who don't use NH wallets and has a higher payout of.01 to external wallets and.001 to NH wallets in Bitcoin. NH only pays you for your hashing power, so you aren't technically mining any specific coin for yourself, but relying on a market where people pay you and others for your hashing power. The advantage of NH is that you have an easy to use GUI interface that takes care of benchmarking and auto-switching algorithms that are the most profitable for your hardware. It's the best to use for new miners and those who are too lazy to research what are the most profitable coins.

You also get paid in Bitcoin. The disadvantage of NH, is the higher fees (4% vs. 0.9% (or 1.1% if you include the 0.2% fee for the auto-exchanger)) and higher payout requirements.01 BTC vs whatever the requirements are set for a given coin (e.g. 0.002 BTC minimum with a 0.0003 BTC transaction fee). You are also dependent on buyers for hashing power, so if your GPU doesn't have any profitable algorithms to offer hashing for or if there are no buyers of hashing power, you don't make money. The advantage of MPH is that you can mine whatever coin is the most profitable or specific coins that you are interested.

It has lower fees and payout requirements, than NiceHash. If you use one of their recommended auto-switching algorithm software, you can mine the most profitable coin and get paid in one of your preferred coins (e.g. You can mine XMR and get paid in Feathercoin or Litecoin, etc).

The disadvantage of MPH, is that setting up the auto-switching tools or mining specific coin (or algorithms) may require experience with writing batch scripts and using command lines interfaces. Their website isn't the easiest to navigate and there is virtually no support other than providing links to the auto-switching programs and FAQs; this is how they are able to keep their fees low. Tl/Dr: NiceHash has higher fees and payout requirements, and only pays in BTC. Has easy interface for newbies and a pretty good support team. MiningPoolHub allows you to mine the most profitable coins, assuming you use own of the auto-switching software or algorithm ports, and you can get paid in whatever coins they offer using an auto-exchanger. They have lower fees and payout requirements. Not as easy to use as NiceHash and virtually no support other than FAQs.

One of my first posts, have been using miningpoolhub and observing the whole zclassic/BTCP fork thing quietly for some time now. So what happened now: The developers who´ll do the fork set up a zclassic donation mining pool to get some ZCL to pay for their development efforts and to be able to pay to get listed on exchanges, so they explained: So you mine zclassic FOR the developers, and get 1.25 BTCP in return AFTER the fork. The disadvantage compared to directly mining ZCL is that you WILL NOT have zclassic after the fork (let´s suppose you think zcl is still worth something after the fork happened) So for miners, this thing is kind of a pickle, depending on what your goals are and if you believe in BTCP. The donation pool just started yesterday and does not have a lot of hashing power until now (about 700-800 kh/s VS 0 kh/s on miningpoolhub). And i don´t know if people trust the whole donation mining thing. So here it is as i understand it: • The more people use the donation pool, the devs will have more money to actively develop and promote the coin, have enough money to get listed on exchanges which will in return increase the value of BTCP. This represents kind of a risk as nobody knows how successfull BTCP will be, but then again this success depends on the trust people are willing to put in it and mine to donate for the devs.

• If nobody uses the donation pool and just mines ZCL for themselves, the devs won´t have that money, maybe get listed on less exchanges and BTCP could be worth far less. Those who mine ZCL directly without donating, also make it harder for the donation pool to reach their goal, as they mine on the same network and increase difficulty. On the other hand, they keep actual zcl, which could still be worth something after the work, or can dump them before the fork to make quick cash, which seems as a pretty rational choice too. To be transparent: I´m mining on the zlcassic donation pool, because it makes sense to me that they need those funds to make BTCP big, promote it, get on exchanges and increase its value and eventually make ME money. What are your thoughts on this? I'm very much in the same boat as you D. New to mining and got into ZCL because it has one of the best returns.

FWIW, I turned off auto-switching after the first couple of days and then later turned off auto-exchange in order to build ZCL as the price is going up. I find it much easier to manage and track this way. I'm sure you're doing similar analyses for ROI and optimization (typical learning curve for new miners). I doubt I'll go back to algo-switching because it seemed inefficient. And I'm staying off the auto-exchange because of the opportunity cost of losing out on good trades. • • • • • • •.